Chapter 14: Surprises

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Lilly's pov

I really like Arthur and start to relax more. My quirky, nerdy self comes out a bit and I get shy about it. Because I don't want to come across as a know it all, I try to supress the enthousiastic bioligist in me. Arthur and I have great banter, he already feels as the little brother I never had. After dinner I see Charles wanting to clean up. I jump up and insist in doing it. With years of experience in restaurants I quickly empty the table and clean it again. 

When I come back from the kitchen I hear some French between the two of them. Why did I not learn French already? I'm dying to know what they're saying, but it for most sounds incredibly sexy. When there is a moment of silence I enter the living room again and sit next to Charles. Arthur asks if you ever been to a GP before. Maybe they talked about my love for cars? I have a shy smile and tell him that I unfortunately haven't, although I would have loved to visit one but it just isn't affordable as a student. To not let them know that I'm so disappointed by this I quickly say to be happy to study in Monaco for four years and can watch the Monaco GP for free! Charles' hand disappears behind one of the cushions and hands me an envelope. He starts to smile from ear to ear and I melt at the sight of those dimples. "Well, I think it's gonna be your lucky week then."

I open the envelope and see paddock passes. Not for one GP, but two, Spa and Zandvoort, for the whole weekend. I look up in disbelief, "Are these for real?", I see Charles' enourmes smile and quickly look at Arthur who nods with a bright smile. "OH MY GOOOOOOD AAHHHHHHHHH" I fly Charles around his neck and we tumble over together. I start kissing his face "thank you thank you thank yoouuuuu". I'm in ecstacy, two GP's , starting this weekend. I have to pinch myself to see if i'm not dreaming. But than reality hits. "But like, we're not together right, sooo.." I know what I want to say but can't figure out how to say it. "I mean, ehmm... We can't be spotted together, it's way too soon...". Charles smiles at me "Yess, I have thought about that and we figuered you could go with Arthur when he's not racing himself. We have plenty of guests in the hospitality so no-one will notice, as long as we don't look like ehm... we're dating, we will be fine." I nod understandingly and want to say something when he starts to speak in a shaking voice: "But if they do find out, I'm not afraid of the reactions and I would love to announce that we're dating if they confront me with it." 

I like this, and since we go the the Netherlands I can see my brothers again. We start to figure out the logistics. I agree to go with Arthur to track everytime to not raise suspicion. If someone asks him who you are he can say a friend from Monaco, no-one will doubt that, he takes often friends with him. Charles mentions his private jet will fly out in the evening in two days. "So you're flying to Belgium, from France?" I raise my eyebrows. "Ehm yeah? I wanted to ask if you want to join me?" I look at him and start laughing, such a jetset action. He clearly never has been on a proper roadtrip before. "When do you have obligations to attend?" "The morning after we land I have to attend some briefings and have media in the afternoon." "Well mr Leclerc, this is gonna be YOUR lucky week, we're going on a roadtrip, definitely with my car and a surprise. Make sure you're ready tomorrow morning by 10." I'm so lucky to be starting in the lab on Wednesday and only have an online meeting with the lab on monday, I can do this anywhere since I'll only have to introduce myself and are brought up to speed on what they're doing at the moment. Tomorrow morning I'll go the the store to quickly buy some camping stuff, he has no idea know what's will be coming his way. 


Charles' pov

She slowly opens the envelope and her eyes widen. She looks shocked, but in a good way, not believing if these are real passes. I smile at her and she looks at Arthur, he also nods and I see her realizing they are real. She completely surprises me by jumping around my neck and she starts hugging me so thight and kissing my face I can barely breath. I feel how enthousiastic she is and am glad she likes the surprise. I was so caught off guard by the hug that we fell over, with her still hugging and kissing me. She suddenly releases her grip and I know what she's thinking about. She slowly starts to express her worries around the media and our, relationship? She refers to it as dating, but we both know that it's more than just dating. I calm her nerves by telling the plan I came up with and she agrees. Her nerves calm down a bit, to reassure her that I am 100% are into your whatever is going on, I tell her that I'm willing to say that we're dating to the press if someone asks.

We figure out the logistics for the upcoming time and I invite her on my plane. She looks confused and then starts laughing. Did I ask something weird? She turns to me and says with a flirty tone that you're going on a roadtrip together. I actually never have had a proper roadtrip with someone and am excited for it. She'll pick me up at 10 tomorrow.

After spending a few more hours with the three of us it's time for her to head home. I get my jacket to walk her back but she declines. "I'll be fine, it's not that far. You stay here and I see you tomorrow", we say our goodbyes at the door and I kiss her. Those lips still give me butterflies and I can't stop, I pull her in closer to me by her hips. I feel every nerve in my body joining in on this kiss and her body responds the same way. She pulls away and gives one last quick kiss before leaving. I watch as she gets to the staircase again and shake my head whilst smiling.

After packing I take a shower and go to bed. I look at the ceiling. I'm excited for the roadtrip but I have one concern. We actually haven't slept together yet, although we've spent everyday together. I didn't want to rush her into things or feel used so I went home every night. Now that the drive will be too long to take in one day, we will have to spend the night together. And in Belgium we're also sharing a room. I felt our kissing getting more passionate during the week. Both of our bodies are participating in it more and more and I'm having more difficulties with trying to stop myself from tearing her clothes of her body and start kissing every inch of skin she has. I eventually fall asleep and can't wait untill the morning sun wakes me up. It will be an amazing time.

She texts that she is a little later since she has to pick something up and I paitently wait for her to text when she's around the corner. When she does I look out the window to make sure no paparazzi spots me with my lugage going to her car. She's leaning against her car and I give her a quick kiss. She quickly packs my suitcase and opens the trunk. Weird, why can't I put  it in myself? She puts it away and I wait for her to give me the keys. "What did you think? Last time was a once in a lifetime experience in the best car you've ever driven, get in on the right side passenger princess" she says mocking me and she jumps behind the steering wheel.

She already put an adress in the navigation system and I notice that she put the backrow down, some stuff is on top of it and a huge blanket over it. She sees me looking at it and tells me not to look underneath the blanket. She scrolls on her phone to put some music on and she starts the car. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining and luckily the road is not that busy. We talk all the time about everything and nothing. I see how comfortable she is behind the steering wheel and how genuinely she loves to drive. After a stop I ask if I need to drive but she smiles and kindly says no thanks.

As the kilometers pass, I notice she either moves her head or taps her fingers on the exact beat of every single song. "Do you know all these songs?", I ask. I absolutely love music but never know what song it is or remember the text. She nods and she tells me it's her secret talent. "Do you want to test it?", she says in a flirty tone. I decide that she can't look at her dashboard since the songname pops up on there too and I hold my hands in front of the middle console, blocking her view on it. I scroll through her playlist and tap random songs "Africa - Toto, Karol G and Maluma - Créeme, I ain't worried - One republic, are you gonna ask me something difficult?", she answered all the songs correctly within 10 seconds of playing it. I scroll more and see something I don't recognize. "Oh sweet Charles, you know this is a Dutch icon right?", I look at her when I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. "Op de hoek, in de kroeg, zat een man alleen" she starts singing with the song. I laugh at her and quickly change the song to suprise her. Maybe even catch her making a mistake. I don't know this song either but she clearly does. She starts dancing in her chair, tapping the roof of her car with both hands at the same time while driving 120 kph. I start to feel anxious of her not having her hands on the steering wheel "Lilly, put your hands back!", I say quickly. A smile forms around her mouth and she purposely ignores me, turning the volume up "IS IT REAL NOW, TWO PEOPLE BECOME ONE, I CAN FEEL IT, TWO PEOPLE BECOME ONE" she sings from the top of her lungs while still dancing and bouncing in her seat. "LILLY", the song is almost over and she turns the volume back down, putting her hands back on the steering wheel. I sigh relieved and she starts laughing at me. I never knew I could be scared in a car, it is because I'm not the one in control. I have the same when I have to do challenges and Carlos has to drive. We sit in silence and begin to laugh. She is actually an amazing driver and so confident behind the steering wheel I have to feel so safe, I was just suprised by her driving without hands.

We arrive at the spot she put in the navigation. I look around but don't see a hotel or something. "Are we in the right place?", I ask a little scared. Please be lost or something and tell me we're not going to camp or sleep in the car.

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