Chapter 37: New Friends

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Lilly's pov

Charles' recovery has been so fast and he already is driving again in practice. I took my laptop with me to start writing my paper and do some data analysis while being in Jeddah with him for the weekend. I notice I'm struggling a lot with combining my work and supporting Charles. I'm fully focussed on my laptop when my phone pings. It's Carmen! 'Hey sweetheart, are you also on track this weekend? If so, would you fancy getting some coffee or something? x" I smile and immediately call her. We agree to have a coffee during FP2 today. I get to work again but jump up in my chair when I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulders. "Jesus Charles, why did you scare me like that?" My heart is pounding and he laughs at me. "Gosh you were so caught up in your screen, you could have easily spotted me walking up to you." I give him a playfull push, he pulls me back in and kisses my head. We spent his lunchtime together. "How do you feel? How is the car? Are you in any pain?" He smiles and takes my hand across the table "Lilly I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. No I almost have no pain anymore which is great, just a little sore when I get to the real high speeds. And the car feels amazing, I missed driving so much!" I smile, I am genuinely so happy for him. He really feels better and I see how much this affects him in a positive way. 

Time flies and Charles heads back to his car. I find Carmen and we walk to get some coffee together. "So how are things with you and Charles? I heard what happened during winter break..." I look down and can't help getting tears. This is the first time I'm talking to someone about it, someone other than my friends on facetime. She stops me and hugs me, saying nothing. I deepen the hug and eventually pull away. "Oh sweetie, you're way to pretty to cry, wipe those tears away!" I laugh and try to dry my tears. I tell her everything that happened, how great everything was untill Charlotte came back in the picture. She agrees with how I reacted, she would 100% felt the same. "But that's the past, we're not going to let that affect us anymore." I say and I smile at her, well at least I tried to make it look genuine but I can tell she sees right through it. "You know what, we'll go to dinner tonight, the four of us and we dump the boys after to have a proper girlsnight!" I look at Carmen and tell her it's a great idea.

I tell Charles about our plans for tonight in the car. "Whatever you want mi amor." He kisses my hand while driving us to our hotel. I giggle a bit, which makes him smile at me. "What?" He raises his eyebrows. "Nothing, you just still make me giggly." He had placed his hand on my leg in the meantime and gives it a small squeeze. We make ready for dinner with George and Carmen, I'm so excited to get to know them better! When we walk through the lobby to get going we hear someone playing a piano with one of my favorite songs on the piano. To build a home, by the cinematic orchestra. It reminds me of the winter together. Charles tried to help me learn palying the piano.

I get out of the shower in my joggers when I hear Charles playing the piano. Our favorite song, 'to build a home'. It sounds so lovely and relaxing. I lean against the doorframe to just watch him play. He totally goes up in the music and has his eyes closed. Gosh, I am so in love with this man. He plays his last tones and opens his eyes. "I will never get tired of you playing the piano in our home." He clearly didn't notice me and I see his body making a small jump. I walk over to him and go sit on his lap.  He gives me a kiss. I turn to the piano and start slamming on the tiles. Charles covers his ears "Baby stop, I love you but you have absolutely no musical talent!" I laugh and stop, putting my arms around his neck. "Teach me". He raises his eyebrows. "I am serious, teach me something." He smiles and kisses my cheek "Okay, turn around. I'll play with the pedals, you do the keys." I sit between his legs but the stool is a bit too small for the both of us and he almost falls off. We both giggle but I manage to scoot over a small bit so he fits behind me. He teaches me something easy, having his arms around me to show what I have to do. 

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