chapter two

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Malia and I were sitting on the couch constantly refreshing our computers. It was currently 2pm and we knew that if we weren't ready we would miss all the good tickets. We had Taehyung's Weverse live playing on our tv. We missed it last night so now we're rewatching it. It makes it so much easier that Malia understands a little bit of Korean. I still have to translate for her every now and then.

"Hey T" Malia says suddenly

"Yeah" I respond

"Are you nervous to get your soulmate mark?" She asked looking at me.

Finally deciding to stop avoiding the inevitable topic, I spoke a little quieter than normal "Kind of, I have dreamt about this for so long. What do I do if I don't find him here? What if he's halfway across the world and we never meet? What if I do find him and he rejects me because he feels like I'm not good enough?"

She rubbed my back to comfort me, I hadn't noticed that I started to cry a little. "Everything is gonna be fine. I've had my soul mark for almost 6 months now. Nothing is wrong with not meeting your soulmate as soon as you turn 21. Fate will bring you two together eventually, even if he is halfway across the world" She spoke softly. "And about him rejecting you, it could never happen. You're the most beautiful, outspoken person I know. He's gonna take one look at you and fall in love"

I cuddled into her, just taking in her words. Waiting for the kicker to come.

"And if he does reject you, then fuck him. Men are lame anyway. We can be soulmates" Her grip around me tightened as if she was preparing to choke out my soulmate if he rejected me.

"Ah there she is. You went soft on me for a second" I teased.

"Shut up, you started crying fir-" A notification popped up on her phone and she got a glimpse of the time "OMG BITCH GET UP! The tickets go live in 5 minutes" She said screaming into my ear while pushing me off her body.

"I hate you" I said glaring at her.

She stuck her tongue out at me like the 5 year old I knew she really was.

Shifting back on the couch and grabbing my computer I waited, ready to get our tickets.

We sat there staring at our computers for what felt like forever. We finally got in and the site kept crashing. ARMYs were really coming through today.

"Should we get the meet and greet package?" Malia said in a rush that I almost couldn't understand her.

"Well, we didn't save up for 3 years for nothing" I responded back with a smile.

I was in and put 2 m&g tickets for the front row seats near the catwalk in my cart. Malia screamed saying she got in too. She was putting 2 seats a little bit further from the front row in her cart. We checked out at the same time hoping that 1. the page didn't crash and at least one of us got in and 2. both carts didn't check out because we'd be paying for 4 tickets. Which is pretty stupid now that I think about it but we'd do anything to get our hands on good tickets.

Our screens were loading and we closed our eyes not wanting to see the outcome. An email notification went off and we both shot our eyes open.

"Fuck mine crashed" Malia said annoyed

"I GOT IT! I GOT THE MEET AND GREET TICKETS" I yelled jumping up from the couch.

"IT WENT THROUGH?! OH MY FUCK. TAY WE'RE GOING TO LA AND WE'RE GONNA MEET BTS!" Malia yelled in response. Jumping up to celebrate with me, we talked and squealed for a couple more minutes before finally deciding that we needed something to eat since we skipped lunch to focus on getting the tickets.

We ordered some KFC for delivery, booked our tickets to LA and watched Run BTS for the rest of the day. Occasionally talking about where we were gonna go and what we were gonna do in LA. We decided that we were gonna go for 2 weeks.

We would get there a week before the concert to give us some time to sight see and enjoy the vacation. The concert was on a Saturday, so we would have another week in LA to relax before we had to come back home. I couldn't believe I was able to get the meet and greet package. I was finally gonna hold hands with Taehyung!

As it started getting later, I decided to call it a night and head to my room. The thought about getting my soulmate tattoo in 24 hours beginning to set in.

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