chapter seven

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A/N - I know absolutely nothing about LA, so when I talk about distances to places and malls and stadiums and stuff just know that I'm completely bullshitting and have no idea what I'm talking about. Just go along with it for the sake of the story please 🥹

I stretch my arms out just as the plane lands and right now I'm so thankful that we had a straight 12 hour flight instead of having to get on and off. It gave Malia and I ample time to get some rest.

Once we finally get off the plane, I check my phone to see texts from Alex.

"Alex ordered us an uber to the hotel" I turn to Malia as we're walking out.

"He can do that?" Malia quirks an eyebrow at me.

"I guess" I shrug. "I can't text him back until we get to the hotel and I can use the wifi, but we have to go to a gas station or something to get another sim card because I'm not about to get charged all that on my phone bill"


"Finallyyyyy" I drag once we open the door to our hotel room.

I immediately face plant on the bed. I feel like I just time traveled, looking at my phone to see it's 7PM Chamorro Standard Time (Guam time) meaning it's 1AM here in California. But we left Guam at 5am, so now we're basically living through another day. My brain is seriously too tired for this, I'm starting to go into autopilot.

"I'm going to sleep for a while" Malia says breaking me from my thoughts.

"Me too" I say into the sheets but it comes out muffled.

Crawling to the top of the bed, I get under the covers and instantly fall into dream land.


"Wake up wake up wake uppppppp" I hear in my dreams. Why is my burger talking to me? This is some weird dream I'm having. I go back to eating it.

My dream starts to fade away and that delicious talking burger in my hand begins to disappear as my body shakes.

"Teeeee get upppp! I'm hungry"

Finally realizing that the voice didn't belong to my burger, I scrunch my face and pull the covers further up onto my body.

"Oh no you don't! Get your ass up right now and let's get some food before I leave you here" Malia says pulling my sheet completely off my body.

I curl into myself in search of some kind of warmth in this cold room but open my eyes to see Malia standing on my bed.

"It's already almost 6" She whines. "I'm hungry, we slept long"

"Girl the jet lag, get off me. Let's just get food delivered or something" I say and sit up to grab my covers again. "Whatever you decide to eat, I want a burger"

Malia jumps from my bed to hers sending my body bouncing into the air.

"I hate you so much" Malia turns to stick her tongue out at me for the comment.

The food gets her faster than I thought. Malia decided to go with In N Out, so I happily eat my burger in bed while we watch another episode of Run BTS.

Once I'm finished with my food, I wash up and get ready to go back to sleep.


I wake up to bright lights hitting my face. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes before checking my phone. It says 8am, Malia and I have a pretty packed day today with different appointments and we need to go shopping too.

I get out of bed and drag myself into the restroom. I start the shower so it can get hot while I brush my teeth and comb through my hair before putting it in a bun. Stepping into the shower that feels like the temperature Satan would love, I start washing away that airplane smell. I showered before we boarded our flight but I feel so icky being in that chair for so long.

ink bound (JJK, Book 1 of the Soulmate Series)Where stories live. Discover now