chapter ten

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- JK POV -

We're on day 2 of our LA show and I've never felt this nervous before. Something in my body was telling me that something big was happening today. I was back stage getting my make up done with Jimin and Tae right next to me. My wrist has been stinging since I got to the stadium. I haven't told the guys anything because we're all focused on our own things right now. Trying to remember the set list, going over choreography and lines for our talking parts in our head. I don't wanna stress anybody out with something that might not need worrying about.

"10 minutes" I heard our manager yell from outside.

I started pacing around the room, jumping up and down to get my nerves out. The makeup noonas rush over to us to do some last minute checks on our makeup and hair.

"Let's start moving boys" Namjoon hyung says to us. We start walking towards the stairs leading to the stage and I can hear ARMY singing along to our songs. It immediately puts a smile on my face. I shake my hands hoping to brush off any nerves that I have. We huddle up to hear some words of encouragement from our leader. The adrenaline starts kicking in and I do little hops to keep me from exploding with energy.

"Let's get it" I hear Namjoon call and I put my game face on. It's showtime.


Halfway through the concert and I feel so good. Seeing ARMY no matter how many times I do it, still feels just as amazing as the first time. I run with Jimin to one side of the stage so that we can greet and interact with some ARMY while we're waiting for our parts. I have an arm around Jimin and I feel my soul mark start to burn. I quickly look down at my wrist and pull my sleeve down hoping nobody notices it. The cloaking injection getting burned out of my skin and my soul mark now on full display. I know she's close. I feel her. My mom always told me that before she bonded with my dad, the first things she felt were his feelings. It was only the beginning of what the bond could do but I felt it. I can feel her anxiety and her panic. I look out into the crowd hoping to see if I can catch her eye. I know she's here.

I jump around a little more with Jimin waiting for the right time to rush over to my hyung. Yoongi hyung starts his part of the song and I make my way over to Joon as casually as I can. I take my ear piece out and gesture for him to do it too. I lean as close as I can and put my hand over my mouth so that nobody is able to read my lips.

"Hyung my soulmate is out there in the crowd. I felt the tattoo burn"

Namjoon pulls away from me and tries to look as calm as possible but I can see his eyes go wide momentarily.

"She's here hyung, I can feel her" I emphasize further.

"You too?" He says more to himself than me.

It's my turn to pull away in shock. Someone else felt their soulmates.

"Who else?"

Namjoon shook his head. "Let's finish this and we can talk about it after"

I nodded my head and pushed the thought from my mind for now. I trust Namjoon and he'll help me find her when this is over.

We ran back stage to do an outfit change for our encore.

"Hyung!" Taehyungie and I call to Namjoon.

"Taehyungie hyung this is important"

"Mine is important too!"

"But I found my soulmate"

"You did? So did I! Did you see her?"

"No, but I felt her"

"I felt my soul mate too"

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