chapter fifteen

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cw/ smoking (vaping) pls note this is very common where our MC is from so I want to make this as authentic to someone from Guam as possible. no matter your stand on it, please remember this is a work of fiction

The ride to the hotel was spent with Jungkook, Hobi, Tae and Jimin messing around in the car, working through their post concert adrenaline. Jin, RM and Suga opting to just listen in and engage in small conversations every so often. I just observe and admire them, still getting used to the fact that I'm even sitting in the same car as them.

Tae and Jimin start bickering about something, speaking a little too fast for my tired brain to comprehend right now. Jungkook turns to me, taking my hand. Our fingers fitting together perfectly.

"So what's Malia doing tonight?" He asks.

I lock eyes with him and smile. Him remembering her name after just one brief introduction is so important to me. And to me Malia, she'll definitely die over it when I tell her. "She's out with one of the girls we met at you concert the other night?"

"At our concert?" Jhope turns back to look at me.

"Yup, our Bora besties." I giggle.

"That's cute!" Jhope beams.

"Is that something that happens often with ARMY?" Jungkook speaks, adjusting our hands to that he can play with my fingers.

"Like becoming friends with new people?" I look over at him, just watching him. How can someone be this cute.

He hums, looking at me too.

"I'm pretty sure, this is the first time I'm going to an in person concert so I don't really know. But I've met a lot of people online who have become good friends."

"I love that. Is that how you and Malia met?"

"Ah no, Malia and I have been friends since we were little."

Our conversation gets cut off when the car stops and all the boys start to jump out. We're at the back of the hotel, the bodyguards at our car and standing near the employee back entrance just in case there are any fans or paparazzi lurking around. As an extra safety precaution, I exit the car with RM and Jungkook standing in front of me, Suga and Jhope coming up next to me and Tae, Jimin and Jin getting behind me as we start moving. I'm put in the middle of them, their tall figures making it seem as if I'm not even there. We stay this way until we all file into the elevator.

We get off the elevator at the top floor of the hotel. Jungkook and I, hand in hand, trailing behind the rest of the guys. We finally get to the room at the end of the hall and I've never seen a hotel suite like this. There was a full living room and mini kitchen with a small dining room area. A master bedroom and a door that leads to another room. There's a huge window, most likely leading to a balcony that I can barely see because of how dark it is outside. It feels expensive in here and I walk around in awe. My bank account could never.

The guys all disperse. Jungkook, Tae and Jhope heading to the kitchen to get some drinks, Suga and Jimin laying on the ground of the living room, and Jin and RM walking into the other room. I walk over to the couch, placing my backpack on the coffee table and sink into the soft cushions. I'm so exhausted. I woke up pretty early this morning. I've never been an early riser and can sleep 24 hours straight if the world let me. I close my eyes, pushing further into the couch. It's quiet. No sounds other than the breathing coming from Suga who I'm pretty sure is taking a nap right now and the clattering of things in the kitchen from the 3 guys. I enjoy it, and drown myself in the silence. The day was crazy and very loud. I was backstage and the cheers and screams from ARMY shook the building, I felt it. It was so amazing to hear the boys being cheered for from an outside perspective. I usually hear the screams through my phone and a couple nights ago I was apart of it. Watching it from backstage but hearing the screams in real time, it's incredible.

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