chapter nine

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A/N - Korean will be in bold text, English will be in regular text or narration.

My wrist was stinging so bad now. I feel like I could collapse at any moment from the pain. My soulmate had to be extremely close by. Malia and I were about 2 people away from our turn. I closed my eyes and tried to push the pain aside. This is my one chance to meet the 7 men who saved my life. My soulmate and I have forever together and I can focus on finding him after this. But for right now, I need this for me.

We were next to be called to meet the boys. I go first because of the pain in my wrist. As much as I'd like to dwell and savor this moment, I need to be as quick as possible.

I put my pain aside and plaster a smile on my face "Hello" I say to the man in front of me. I watch his dimples deepen as he looks at me through squinted eyes.

"Ah! You speak Korean, how awesome!" Namjoon says as he takes the album from my hands. "Are you from Korea?"

"No, sadly I've never even been there and my Korean isn't that great since I haven't spoken it much" I respond. "I'm from a small island near Korea though"

"And she speaks english too! My kind of girl!" He says as he puts his hand up for me. I laugh and raise my hand to meet him in a high five. We talk a bit more before security tells me I need to move on.

I sigh quietly, sad that my time with him is up so soon. He reached forward and puts his hand on mine. "Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoyed the concert. He takes my hand in his and swings it back and forth. "I hope one day you get to come to Korea"

"I hope so too! The concert was amazing. Thank you for all the work you put in for ARMY" I bow as much as I can considering the table in between us.

Before I know it, I'm standing in front of my bias, the 3rd to last beautiful man in this line up of beautiful men. "Jimin-ssiiiiii" I say with a bright smile. He laughs at my overly big smile knowing that I'm teasing him. "Hi!" He beams. "What's your name?"

"Taylor" I respond and bow. He surprises me by holding his hand out for me to shake, I place my hand in his.

I wince and hold my wrist that's now connected to his hand as the pain gets worse. It almost feels like my arm is on fire now.

"You okay?" Jimin queries with his cute English as he looks at me with concerned eyes.

"Yes, I'm okay" He instantly eyeing me with worry. "I loved your outfits today" I continue hoping to change the subject because his eyes were still piercing into mine with concern. He squeezes my hand that he's holding before gently putting it down to take the album out of my hands.

"I love your outfit too"

I instantly blush and look away. "This is my first time seeing any of your performances live" I look up to him.

He stops writing in my album and looks at me giving me his full attention. "I hope I didn't disappoint" He says with a smile. I looked down because I swear if I meet his eye my heart might just combust right then and there. "Cute" He says with an eye smile that could melt my heart.

The security gestures for me to move on and I quickly thank Jimin for the amazing show he put on and for always putting a smile on my face even when I don't want it.

"ARMY always puts a smile on my face. I'm happy I can return the favor"

"Your hair is so cool" Taehyung says as he takes the album from Jimin and I move over to him.

"Thank you! I wanna look like Jungkook in Dope Era. I think you'd look really good in a deep purple!" I gush at the brown haired boy.

He sets the album next to him for his bandmate to pick up when he's done with his current ARMY "You think so?" I nod so fast that a piece of my hair that I tucked away falls in front of my face.

He chuckles "Maybe purple Tae will make an appearance next come back" I beam him my brightest smile because even though I'm not nearly important enough for him to do that, he still makes me feel like if it does happen a part of him will be thinking about this interaction "Okay I'll hold you to it" I hold out my pinky with an expression that means business and Tae joins me with his boxy smile. And again, the security guard tells me to move along. I look at our pinky's joined and then back at him. He gives our hands a little shake. Taehyung looks at our conjoined hands and his eyes go wide. I follow his eyes to our hands where my soul mark is now burning a bright red. He opens his mouth to say something but I pull my hand back and let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm so happy I got to see you today. Thank you!" I bow to him and make my way to the last of the talented men, already feeling a sense of sadness because this experience is coming to an end soon.

I stand in front of Jungkook as he's turned away from me speaking to the guard behind him. I look towards Tae to see that he's still staring at me until Malia clears her throat and he snaps his attention to her with a smile.

Jungkook seems to be having a little bit of an argument with the guard and I take the time to look at my soul mark that Taehyung was staring at. It's started to glow which means that my soulmate is very very close and the pain is becoming a little too much for me. I just need to meet Jungkook and then I can go and we can get this soulmate business sorted out.

Jungkook finally turns around with his head low, he glances at me with a pained smile on his face and greets me in English. He grabs my album from the table without looking at me and I can see that he's breathing slowly and deeply. "Are you okay?" I say to the brown haired man. He pauses, I assume to try to process that I'm speaking his native tongue and starts to move his head to actually look at me this time. "I'm -" he starts but his dark brown orbs meet mine and I feel stuck. Like genuinely lost in a sea of brown. I see his pupils switch back and forth between mine and it feels like minutes pass before Tae nudges him forcing him to break his hold on me. Immediately knocked out my trance, my arm starts to hurt so bad. I grab my album, quickly tell him how amazing he was and how happy I was seeing him and everyone else in person. I turn around and start walking to the seat at the back of the room. We'll all be waiting there for the rest of the girls to meet the boys so that they can start their meet and greet activities.

A/N I know that the concert took place in Nov/Dec but for timelines sake let's pretend it happened in the summer lol
Next chapter will be JKs POV.

Thank you to all the new followers and votes on my chapters. It means a lot 💗

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