chapter nineteen

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Jungkook takes my hand to guide me into the car, but I squeeze it lightly. Tugging just a little to garner his attention.

"Actually, do you mind if I talk to Namjoon really quickly? There was something I forgot to ask him."

"Oh..." He looks at Do-yun then back at me. I see the confusion in his brow, but he still complies "Yeah of course"

I smile at him, "Don't worry it won't be long. I just had a question about one of the previous conversations we had that I hadn't asked him because I haven't seen him in a couple days."

If he can see the white lie plastered right on my forehead, he ignores it. Smiling sweetly, "Do you want me to call him out or I can have Do-yun walk you up to the rooms?"

I look back to the door we just came out of, we've only been out for like a minute or two. If I get there fast enough, I could catch them before they get to the elevators. "No it's okay, let me just run back real quick. They shouldn't be too far."

He contemplates for a second before he nods, letting my hand go.

I open the door, before taking off into a fast walk back towards the restaurant. I go through the door leading into the private areas that we were in just hoping that they haven't left yet. Thanking my lucky stars when I see him talking to Jin. The rest of the guys walking out of the little room we had.

"Namjoon!" I call out to him, slowing my pace as I approach them.

He whips his head towards me, eyes widening slightly. Probably not expecting me to have come back. "Taylor, did you forget something?" He smiles anyway.

"Could we talk really quick?" I glance at the guys, offering up a small smile before focusing back on Namjoon.

"Yeah of course" He studies my face, before gesturing in the room.

They walk some distance away from us, enough to give us space to talk privately.

"What's up?" He says once the guys are out of hearing distance.

"What do you know about soul bonds that are platonic?" I cut straight to it, the question weighing heavy on my mind since the little argument Jungkook and I had that night at the hotel.

"I don't understand" He shakes his head, brows furrowed. I can tell he understood the question, his expression showing fully that he just didn't understand why I asked.

"Do soulmates have to be together romantically?" I ask again, pulling my bottom lip in to gnaw at it.

"No" He finally answers, his body stiff. I can see the concern written on his face, the hesitation to tell me what he knows. He breathes in softly, letting his shoulders fall. "The initial attraction soulmates have is the soul's way of letting you know that this is your person. After bonding, the soul attraction withers away." I nod, taking in what he's saying. "You can choose to pursue a deeper relationship with your soulmate or you can stay platonic. There is no bond forcing any romantic feelings or deep attractions on soulmates."

"Okay." I pause, taking a big breath and nodding. "Okay. Thanks Namjoon. I have to get going, Jungkook is waiting." I take a small step back. Giving him a tight smile and turning on my heel to leave.

"Taylor wait." He grabs my arm lightly, his eyes pleading with me to face him again. "Jungkook told us about what happened the night of your bonding. If this is about Jungkook or his feelings, he really-"

"It's not." I cut in. "It's not him, he's great. Perfect actually. I just- There's ..." I ramble on, struggling to find the right words for the situation. Everything just becoming a jumbled mess in my head.

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