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    "Hello," I answered my phone.

    "Hey, has Aspen talked to you yet?" Calum asked me through the phone.

    "No, I haven't heard from her since yesterday. Why is she staying at your house? What did I do?"

    "Wait, me first. Why were you at Arzaylea's house?"

    "She still had some stuff at my house and I was returning it, why?"

    "Mate, you fucked up. There's pap photos of you at her house all over the place. Take a guess as to why Aspen is here right now."

    "Aspen's there because of some pap photos of me at Arzaylea's? Why does she care?"

    "Maybe because you had kissed her the night before and then you showed up at your ex's house the next day with no word to Aspen."

    "Wait-what? I kissed her?"

    "You were drunk as fuck, but yes, you kissed Aspen."

    "How do you even know this?"

    "She told me, duh. Anyways, Aspen's pissed off, you need to call her or something."

    "She's not answering her phone, what point is there in calling her?"

    "Then get your ass over here and explain yourself to her, because I am not letting you let go of the best thing that has ever happened to you all because you two wont talk to each other."

    "I don't know, I don't think she'd listen to me."

    "Luke, you both clearly like each other, but the two of you are too fucking stuborn to be the first to talk to the other, so I'm telling you now, show up at my house and fucking beg for her to listen to you if you have to, but explain yourself to her, because both of you have gone through too much heartache to let this one go."

    "Fine, fine, I'll be there soon. But make sure it's you who opens the door because Aspen will close it the second she sees me."

    "Text me when you get here."

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