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I opened the door to see a smiley Calum standing in front of Ashton and Michael.

    "Happy Birthday, Aspie!" He yelled, making me slightly cringe at the loud noise.

    "I'm so glad you're here," I whispered as I pulled Calum into a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me before giving in fully and squeezing me.

    "Cal, too tight," I huffed.

    Calum let me go and I gave Ashton and Michael hugs before leading them all into the kitchen where Luke was waiting. I grabbed Calum's hand and started to pull him out of the kitchen as soon as everyone was there.

    "I need to talk to Cal real quick, I'll be right back," I explained to Luke as I pulled Calum towards the stairs.

    Once we were in my room and the door was closed I let my facade drop and let Calum see how I was really feeling. His smile instantly dropped and he pulled me into another hug, attempting to comfort me.

    "What's wrong, babe," he asked quietly.

    "Nothings wrong per say, just not right," I explained.

    "Okay... what's not right then?"

    "I like Luke, Calum," I whispered.

    "You're just now realizing this?" Calum laughed at me, pulling out of the hug.

    "Why are you laughing? And what's that supposed to mean?"

    "Aspen, for the last month and a half you two have always been together, and you've been living together for the last two weeks. Since breaking up with Jake, you haven't left Luke's side. We all knew, but I didn't realize you didn't know."

    "You're just, okay with this?"

    "Aspen, I can't stop you two from liking each other. Besides, I want you both to just be happy. You two deserve it after everything you've both gone through."

    "He still hasn't told me what happened, though."

    "He will, he just needs more time. He's not going to keep you in the dark forever. Especially since he doesn't want to lose you, he'll tell you eventually. Just don't force him to talk about it, let him tell you when he's ready."

    "Okay. What do I do about liking him, though? I'm just really confused."

    "I mean you can tell him if you want, I promise you he feels the same. But, if you don't want to, just do what you normally do and act how you've always acted with him. I promise you, everything will be fine, it's not as big of a deal as you think."

    "Thanks, Callie," I whispered and hugged him again.

    "Anytime, Aspie," he whispered back.

    Calum and I separated and walked down stairs to rejoin everyone else in the kitchen.

    "Is everything ok?" Luke asked once he spotted us and went to stand by my side.

    "Everything's fine, Pretty boy," I whispered to him and he put his arm around me.

    "You sure? You seemed kind of upset."

    "Yeah, I'm fine, I promise," I reassured him with a smile and he used the arm he had around me to give me a slight squeeze.

    I looked at Calum to find that he was already looking at me with a knowing smile and I rolled my eyes at him. He was so nosey.

    "Aspen, I have something for you," Ashton announced.

    Ashton and Michael moved out of the way to reveal a bunch of alcohol set up on the kitchen table.

    "You two are ridiculous," I laughed.

    "Happy 21st birthday!" Ashton yelled before running over to me and lifting me over his shoulder.

    "Ashton! Put me down!" I fake chastised.

    "Never!" he yelled back, but put me down anyway, only for me to be lifted by someone else from behind.

    "Stop it!" I yelled again. I felt Luke chuckle from behind me as he set me down and turned me around.

    "Come on, birthday girl, let's get drunk," he challenged.

    "Alright, pretty boy."


    I had too many drinks to count and I didn't even know how it had happened. The boys had just kept going, all four of them drunk as hell too. They only stopped when they decided I had had enough drinks and they didn't want me to get alcohol poisoning. Luke and I had been together all evening, and I don't remember a single second when we weren't joined at the hip, unless one of us was in the bathroom.

    Calum also kept giving me funny looks because of what we had talked about earlier. He really wasn't helping, he was just making me more and more confused.

    "Aspen, did you hear me?" Luke asked as we were all sitting on Luke's couch talking and eating his food.

    "Sorry, what?" I replied.

    "I asked if you wanted anything else to drink?"

    "No, but let me help you if you're getting more."

    Luke nodded and we both stood up and went to the kitchen so I could help Luke get another drink and make sure he was pacing himself, not that I had been much at all that night. Luke got himself another drink and I grabbed a water for both of us and we went back to the living room to rejoin the others. I sat right next to Luke again, swinging my legs over his, and began laughing at something stupid Calum said. I was having the time of my life, and I had honestly never had a better birthday.

    Luke wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, and I just felt at home. I smiled and leaned into him, catching Ashtons attention. He just gave me a knowing smile and continued on in his conversation with Michael. I rolled my eyes at him, but stayed where I was in Luke's arms.

    "Oh, Aspen, we have real gifts for you too, it wasn't just the alcohol," Michael informed me.

    "You guys didn't have to get me anything," I smiled.

    "Nonsense," Calum said as he placed a gift in front of me.

    I picked up Calum's gift, deciding I wanted to open his first, and began to rip the wrapping paper off of the box. When I opened the box there was a cute little photo book inside. I pulled out the photo book and began to flip through it, noticing that it was filled with pictures of me and the band and also off guard photos of me and each member, Luke having the most pictures.

    "Do you like it?" Cal asked.

    "I love it, Callie, thank you," I told him.

    "You're welcome, Aspie."

    "Alright, open mine now," Ashton demanded.

    "Sir, yes, sir," I joked as I grabbed Ash's gift.

    Ashton's gift was a silver bracelet that had the words 'shallow heart for shallow minds' engraved on it. It was truly beautiful, and I immediately put it on.

    "Thank you, Ashton," I said to him.

    "I better see you wearing that everyday," he remarked, and I laughed.

    The last one was from Michael, and he had gotten me a beautiful ring that had a simple thick band and a sun engraved on top.

    "Crystal helped me pick it out," he told me.

    "Tell her I say thank you. And thank you to you too, Michael," I mentioned.

    We all continued to sit around and just talk about random stuff. It felt like just another night at Calum's house, which was all I could ask for.

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