Chapter One

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** Please read the description of the story before reading **

"Where you been? Coming in for a cuppa?" Riley asks.
"Yeah ok, just been sunbeds" replies Leigh.
Riley and Leigh were close friends and although they were the complete opposites of each other they just clicked. Riley was a small stocky lady who lived with her husband and 4 children, she had very short dark brown hair that went into a ponytail and loved her comfy tracksuits. Leigh was a tall curvy lady with long purple hair that was usually flowing down her back and she was a jeans and nice top kind of woman who lived alone with her 2 children just round the corner from Riley.

They spent most of their days nattering over a nice warm tea and alot of evenings spent together in Riley's garden gossiping and watching their children playing football or playing on the trampoline just doing what kids do being noisy and having fun.

Both women were very confident in themselves and bubbly always had a laugh together and didnt care what anyone else thought, they were just happy to be in each others company. But little did Leigh know her whole life was about to change due to their friendship.

One afternoon Leigh dropped her youngest child to nursery like always and popped into Rileys for a tea and natter, nothing out of the ordinary.
"Why aint you at school mrs" Leigh jokes with Annabelle, Rileys middle child.
"Not well" Annabelle shrugged.
"Had to collect her from school she had a temperature apprantly but seems fine now as you can see" Riley said rolling her eyes at Annabelle.
Annabelle was just a typical 10year old girl, full of attitude and thought she was right about everything.
As they sat around laughing and talking the door knocked and Thomas, Rileys husband went to answer it. Thomas was around the same age as Riley, he was medium height with a chubby build, mousy brown messy hair. After a few seconds Thomas walked back in the living room with a youngish man, tanned skin, a little on the short side, pretty nice to look at. The man came straight in messed around with Annabelle then sat down letting Annabelle put hair bows in his hair, his mannerisms portrayed a gay man, or so Leigh thought. Leigh felt a little awkward, she didnt know this man and for some reason Thomas and Riley never felt the need to introduce the pair so Leigh made her excuses and left.

The next morning Thomas see Leigh at their local shop, he nudged Leighs arm and laughed whilst saying "oii what did you think of that bloke then?"
"His alright i guess, gay thou aint he?" Leigh asked
Thomas began laughing "no his not"
They ended up back at Thomas and Rileys house cuppa in hand laughing about how Leigh thought their friend Adam was gay, when infact he was currently seeing a woman.
"Why did you think Adam was gay anyway?" Laughed Riley.
"I dunno, just the way he speaks and acts" Leigh laughed feeling slightly embarrassed about the whole situation however, she quickly shrugged it off, not like she was going to see this man again anyway was it?

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