Chapter Two

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A few weeks consisting of gossiping over a tea, school runs, shopping trips and hitting the sunbeds had gone past and now its a warm friday afternoon.
"Come over after school were stick the bouncy castle up for the kids and have a little bbq if you want?" Riley suggests to Leigh during their regular afternoon cuppa.
"Alright girl, ima go home now do some washing and that, see use after school" Leigh replies putting her empty mug in their kitchen sink before leaving.

School time soon comes around, Leigh tells her children they're going to go Riley's house for a bit for some food and bouncy castle in the garden, needless to say they were excited. Leigh and her children lived in a flat so didnt have access to a garden to do these kind of things in so going round to Riley & Thomas's was nice for them every once in a while especially since they had children around a similar sort of age.

The garden soon become filled with the children's laughter, the smell of the food heating up on the bbq, the sound of Leigh and Riley chatting away and the smell of rosè sitting under their noses in a nice wine glass.
"Guess who just phoned me Leigh?" Laughed Thomas
Leigh nodded her head in acknowledgement to his question
"Adam, his popping over" Thomas said with a cheeky grin splashed across his face.
Riley was laughing which set Leigh off before she said "this should be interesting"
Leigh was a bit nervous for him to come over since she thought he was gay, she didnt know whether Leigh and Thomas had told him that but she had a feeling they did.

Finally we was all round the table dishing up all what we wanted to eat, of course we all sorted the children first, they was happily all sitting in a circle on the trampoline with their paper plates of food, enjoying the sunshine, enjoying the company and it wasn't long before us adults were sat doing the same. Just as Leigh sat down with her plate of food and glass of wine in hand she looked up to see the tanned handsome man she now knew as Adam standing in the doorway of the back garden. He soon grabbed himself a plate of food whilst having a quiet conversation with Thomas, the girls didnt know what was said as they were quiet talking and laughing whilst continously nudging each other.
Finally they were all seated enjoying their food and drinks.
"So you think im gay" Adam blurted out looking directly at Leigh. She wasnt expecting it so he nearly had a face full of her wine. All Leigh could manage was a shameful nod, Adam looked amused one eyebrow raised and a subtle grin, Thomas and Riley on the other hand were in fits of laughter. Leigh finally managed to muster some words "thanks guys for telling him" she nervously giggled "but yes i did think that"
"What made you think that?" Adam asks definitely amused by the whole situation.
"I dunno i guess the way you speak you're very well spoken and just your mannerisms you just come across that way inclined sorry" Leigh replied quite matter of factly. Her guards went up, Leigh has been single for over two years now and she doesnt know this guy, all she knows is shes sitting in a friends garden with her children and doesn't want this man to take offence to a point where she finds herself in a horrible situation.
"Im definitely not" Adam laughs and winks at Leigh.
Leigh sighed in relief noticing he wasnt upset that she had so badly misunderstood his sexuality.

The evening had turned chilly, the children were all still having fun and the adults definitely weren't ready to call it a night so Thomas and Adam lit the firepit in the garden and the adults all kind of sat around it in a circle shape chatting away.
There was an obvious spark between Leigh and Adam anyone could clearly see the looks they exchanged.
"So Tom tells me your single" Adam says randomly.
Leigh just nods in response, she knows he is currently seeing someone so she dont want to overstep her boundaries however much Riley and Thomas would like her to do so.
"She definitely ready to mingle Ad" laughed Thomas
"Not with taken guys im not" Leigh clearly says whilst shrugging her shoulders.
"I'm not in a relationship" Adam said winking at Leigh
"Well Thomas and Riley say different" Leigh responds shrugging her shoulders.
"Oh no, im seeing someone but not in a relationship" Adam says matter of factly.
This had just started a whole debate, Leigh don't believe in 'seeing people' she believes that you're either in a relationship after a few dates or not and Riley agrees but the men see it differently. After lots of chat and laughter, Leigh sees its 11.30pm and notices her youngest one is pretty tired.
"Kids come on time to go" Leigh calls out to her children.
"Aww so soon?" Adam asks looking disappointed
Leigh chuckles, she cant deny the butterflies shes currently feeling in her stomach "It was nice meeting you properly, but yeah i need to get my kids home and into bed now" Leigh goes and gives Riley a hug and says bye to the men as she huddles her children out of the garden side gate to go home.

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