Chapter 3

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Leigh woke up to a message from Riley, it read;

Adam asked if he can have your number x

Leigh hesitated for a minute just looking at the message, she felt excited but nervous, she was also aware of Adams situation with another woman so she was in two minds. Before answering the message she called her mum and explained everything, Leighs mum was like her bestfriend, she told her everything and anything.
"So what do you think i should do?" Leigh asks her mum
"Just go for it, see what happens" her mum replied.
After speaking with her mum, Leigh took a deep breath and replied to Riley.

Go for it x

After a few hours Leighs phone pinged with a message from an unknown number.

Hey, its Adam, Riley gave me your number. Was nice meeting you last night x

Leigh couldnt deny the butterflies she currently felt flapping around in her stomach, it had been a long time since she felt this way.

Leigh spent the day indoors with her children, they painted, done playdough made cupcakes, watched movies and just had a funfilled day together like most weekends. Leigh noticed a few messages on her phone so she quickly checked them whilst the children were happy watching a movie.

Have you spoke to Riley? Xx  One message read from Adam

What you doing monday? X The message from Riley read

She replied to them both, it seems they were planning a day out at the park. Just down the road from Riley and Leigh was a big park with boats, swings and slides etc sitting ontop of sand that was surrounded by greenery. Monday they were all going there with the children. Leigh and Riley didn't work, Riley had health conditions that prevented her from doing so and Leigh liked being a stay at home mum atleast until her youngest was in full time school. Thomas was a self employed handy man so he worked the hours and days he chose and Adam was a manager in a local shop and had Monday off. I know you're probably now thinking well why aren't the children all at school on a Monday right? Well it was half term, a whole week of no school!

Monday rolled around before you knew it, Leigh quickly messaged Riley

What time use gonna be ready girl? X

In about half hour but just come down when your ready x
Replied Riley

Leigh had already fed the children and got the three of them ready all that was left to do was pack the picnic basket! She packed sandwhiches with a few different fillings, crisps, fruit, drinks and chocolate.
"Lets go kiddies" she called out to her children.
They walked down to Rileys house feeling happy, the sun hitting their bare legs and shoulders. As they approached Rileys, they were already coming out the door ready to go.
"Good timing" Adam said to Leigh
Leigh smiled in response, god he looked so handsome she thought to herself, butterflies swarming her insides.
"This is Adam, Thomas and Rileys friend" Leigh said to her children. The children weren't bothered who he was they acknowledged him by nodding their heads and smiling at him but didnt say a word, they went straight to the other children and nattered away.
"Sorry" Leigh said to Adam feeling embarrassed her children had never even said hello.
"Dont be silly they're kids, both beautiful by the way" Adam responded smiling.
Leighs heart warmed, the one way to win over a woman with kids over is definitely through her children.

The park wasn't to far from their homes so they walked it, twenty minute walk and they was all there. Children all off in the sand play area playing and the adults setting up the blankets and baskets of food on the grass. They spent a good few hours at the park, the picnics went down a treat and the children all had fun, Leigh even took her two children on the pedal boats, her favourite sound in the world was listening to her children laugh and going on the pedal boats made them do just that!

"You coming ours?" Thomas asked Leigh as they approached Leighs block of flats.
"Nah not tonight, promised the kids a film night" Leigh said
"See use later" Riley said as Leigh and her children walked into the block of flats.
Leigh hadnt even got in her front door and her phoned pinged with a message

Why didnt you come back to Thomas's? X

It was from Adam, she got the kids indoors, unpacked the picnic basket throwing away rubbish and putting away any food untouched, got in her pjs and told the children
"Come on go get your jammies on we can watch a film"
The kids went upstairs to get their pjs on as Leigh had asked so she quickly typed back a text to Adam

It was a good day today but i promised the kids id watch a film, i like being indoors lol x

Half way through the movie Leigh noticed her youngest had fallen asleep and her eldest was fighting to stay awake.
"Come on you lets get to bed" she said to her eldest. As her son walked up the stairs Leigh carried her daughter up and placed her into bed. Within minutes her son was sound asleep just like his little sister. Leighs son was 7years old and her daughter was 4years old.
Leigh spent the night messaging Adam and before she knew it, it was 3am
"Night trouble, speak to you soon" she typed before putting her phone on silent and drifting off.

* Thank you everyone so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying it so far ❤️

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