Chapter Five

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Four months had gone by and Leigh found herself feeling so loved, greatful and content as she stood at the entrance of Loopy Zoo with her two children and the man she adored. She had always wanted to take her children to Loopy Zoo but it was costly and far from home without a car, Leigh had her children young so had never gotten around to driving. Leigh felt as though Adam made all this possible they all had such a fun car ride down to Loopy Zoo too, she felt so grateful to have finally met a man that loved her and her children unconditionally.

"Dad, dad look!!" Leighs youngest daughted squealed at Adam
Yes the children called Adam dad even though he wasnt biologically their dad. The children were young, although they understood he wasn't really their dad they craved it as they never had their real dad around and it was actually Adam who suggested they called him dad when Leighs youngest called him Dad by accident.
"What's he doing?" Adam said swooping the youngest up in his arms. They was watching a monkey pull funny faces. Leigh looked on smiling as she had her arm wrapped round her eldest. This is all shes ever wanted a perfect little family someone she could call hers someone her kids felt loved by and she had it, she had a little family filled with unconditional love.

The next few months flew by, Adam moved into Leighs home and the months were filled with laughter, joy and just all round happiness and love. Although some of Leighs family had reservations about Adam moving into her home so soon she went with her heart and felt like she had made the best decision for her and her children.

Adam worked long hours as a manager at a near by shop, the kids spent their days at school so Leigh always had the weekdays to herself, she spent her days cleaning, preparing dinner, doing the shopping just the typical stay at home mum/wife stuff. She visited family alot too, Leighs always believed family before anything and she has always spent alot of her time with relatives.

One afternoon Leighs phone rung

"Hey gorgeous, what you up to?" Leigh smiled at the sound of Adams manly voice down the phone, she would never get sick of his voice she got butterflies hearing it still now.

"Just dropped madam to nursery, I'm about to jump on the bus to go see me grandad, hows work?" Leigh replied happily, she loved visiting her grandad, he wasnt a 'normal' grandad he was always doing something stupid winding Leighs nan up, it was always smiles and laughters at their house and from a young child Leigh had always loved visiting there.

"Again? You're always there recently" Adam said sounding annoyed.

"Whats it matter if i spend every day there?" Leigh replied confused, why would Adam say this? He knew how much she loved her family and he knew how much she loved to visit her nan and grandad, nothing had changed she had always visited them regularly so his comment was definitely very unexpected.

"You spend more time there then you do at home, but whatever. Anyway did you wash my spare work shirt? This one is dirty" Adam said

"No i havent babe ill stick it in the wash as soon as im in then in the tumble dryer so will all be ready for tomorrow no problem" Leigh replied.

She always done the washing, she spent her days at home so she always ensured the home was clean, washing done and dinner always cooked. Leigh never had a tumble dryer before but Adam insisted on buying one to make things easier and quicker.

"Well could be done by now if you didnt go your nan and grandads yet again aye but whatever ill do it myself leave it" Adam snapped and put the phone down.

Leigh arrived at her grandads, but she wasn't feeling herself after the conversation with Adam she just wanted to go home but she knew her grandad would worry if she had just left straight away so she sat and had tea with her nan and grandad, spoke about the children and just had a good old natter and a giggle, she was happy she didnt leave, they lifted her spirits. Time always goes so quickly when shes with her nan and grandad and before you know it shes back on the bus heading home just in time to pick the children up from school. She had messaged Adam but got no response he hadnt messaged her at all since their conversation and it weighed heavy on Leighs mind she couldnt wait for him to come home from work so they could speak.

9pm rolled around and the kids were already tucked up in bed sound asleep, Adam walks in.
"Hey, dinners in the microwave" Leigh said as Adam sat down on the sofa beside her.
"Thanks ill have it in a bit" Adam said
"Your shirts hanging up, washed, dryed and ironed" Leigh says giving Adam a half smile. For the first time ever she felt nervous being alone with Adam, not the good kind of butterfly nervous no! The shit i feel awkward kind of nerves, she didnt know what he was thinking or feeling i mean he hadnt even returned her messages, the last time they spoke Adam had snapped at her and put the phone down.
"Thank you beautiful, im gonna have a bath wanna join?" Adam said winking at Leigh.
Leigh smiled and followed him up the stairs. Even though what had happened earlier played on Leighs mind a little bit she was just happy that everything was ok between them. Adam came home from a long day at work and wanted her, he wanted her naked in the bath with him and she could not fucking wait to feels his skin pressed up against hers. Adam was her addiction and she couldnt get enough, she just didnt realise just yet how bad the addiction was going to get.....

Hey Everyone, I really hope you're enjoying the story so far! The story slowly starts to take a turn now so be patient baby loves and enjoy the ride ❤️

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