Chapter Four

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Leigh and Adam had spent several evenings together. When Leighs children were asleep she would message Adam to come over and they would watch films and get to know each other better.
"I really want to meet your kids properly now Leigh, like as your partner" Adam said one evening.
Leigh was taken aback by this as it had only been a month, they hadn't even discussed being a couple but yet he referred to himself as her partner.
"Partner?" Leigh laughed "I didnt realise we were a couple"
"Oh you're one of them women" Adam said with a mischievous look on his face
"What woman would that be?" Leigh asked intrigued.
"I have to ask you to be my girlfriend right?" He questions chuckling
"You sure do" Leigh smiled back at him.
Leigh was old school when it come to dating, she didnt just assume the relationship title she liked to be asked and to be honest at this stage she thought they was just getting to know each other. 

Adam tucked Leighs hair behind her ear so softly before stroking her cheek so lightly, she fell into his touch immediately. His lips met hers in a hurry, full of passion, desire, lust, he wanted her there and then and he knew she felt the exact same. He pulled her ontop of him so she was straddling his waist perfectly, their lips never parting. He lifted her top over her head and released her bra. He immediately noticed Leigh trying to cover her stomach with her arms
"Dont you dare" Adam said with a raspy voice, he laid Leigh down on the sofa and began kissing her stomach so softly
"I wanna see every bit of you, you're beautiful" he said looking up at her through his gorgeous hazel coloured eyes.
Leighs heart felt so full, in this moment she felt like the luckiest woman alive, he liked her for her, all the parts she hated about herself he seemed to like the most, he showered her with compliments daily and she soaked up every single minute.

As they lay together entwined in eachothers body, breathless. Adam says casually
"So will you be my girlfriend then?"
Leigh plants a soft kiss on Adams lips and laughs "of course, i mean did you even have to ask?"
They both laughed and stayed for what seemed like hours in each others arms just talking about how crazy this all is
"A month ive known you, i wish i met you sooner, you're perfect" Leigh said stroking her fingers along Adams arm. She felt content, she felt happy. Something about Adam was different than the men she had relationships with before, he seemed to want the same things in life as her, something kept pulling her towards him she couldnt get enough.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Adam asks
"Hmmm not really, why do you?" Leigh questions looking into Adams mesmerising eyes.
"I didn't until i met you" Adam says smiling.
Leigh was in disbelief, this perfect man laying naked beside her after just a month was declaring his love in a subtle way and she was basking in all the emotions he made her feel. He definitely knew all the right things to say and he knew exactly when to say them that was for sure, maybe that was why Leigh kept being pulled to him!
"You love me?" Leigh questions
"I do, i love you Leigh and i know you feel the same" he said matter of factly. You could see he felt confident in what he said, he didnt doubt for a moment that Leigh loved him. How could he be so sure, so confident?
"I love you too" Leigh replied before planting a kiss on his lips. In all honesty Leigh didnt know if it was love all she knew was he made her happy, he made her fill things she hadnt felt in such a short space of time and she was excited to see where things went with Adam, but was it love?

They spent the next few weeks messaging one another non stop, spending days together as 'friends' with Thomas and Riley, whilst the children were about they remained 'friends' and the evenings when Leighs children were asleep they would spend as two people madly inlove.

One afternoon Leigh recieved a message whilst she was at her mums with the children from Riley

Wanna come over? We gonna stick the bbq on, bouncy castles up too x

Leighs eldest child was having a sleepover at his nannies house so she only had her youngest for the evening. She quickly tapped a reply to Riley

Sure, only have little lady with me tonight, leaving mums ina bit see you soon x

The evening was spent with good company, good wine and good food whilst the children all played.
"Wheres your boy?" Thomas asked Leigh
"His at my mums for the night" Leigh said before taking a sip of her wine.
"Ere Ad, tonight might be your lucky night" Thomas laughed nudging Adam.
"I still have madam you know" Leigh said rolling her eyes at Thomas.
She liked that her friends wanted her to be happy and of course for Thomas it was perfect if Leigh and Adam had a relationship because he was Adams best mate, but the way Thomas tried to push hers and Adams relationship sometimes annoyed her, Leigh was quite a private person but felt as though Thomas and Riley had to much involvement with her and Adams relationship.

The night soon came to an end and Leigh got her little one ready to go home.
"Want me to help you up the stairs with the pram?" Adam asked Leigh
"Na ill be alright thanks, ill text you later. Bye guys" Leigh replied.
She knew that was Adams way of being invited in but she wasnt ready to have him in her home as her partner around her children just yet, she knew it bothered Adam but it didnt sit right with her, she thought it was weird how persistent Adam was with it but she didnt dwell on it.

Just as Leigh tucks her little one into bed and lays beside her, she receives a message

Did i upset you? X

It was from Adam, she quickly responded.

Na, I'm just tired and like ive said before im not ready for you to be around my kids as my partner yet. Nways im off to bed chat tomorrow, night x

He responded almost immediately

I just dont see this going any further if i cant be involved in your life properly x

Leigh read the text and felt a little uneasy, why was he being so pushy about this? It had only been a month! She was also scared for him to leave her, she genuinely believed he was the man she had always been looking for. She felt a little torn.

Leigh had a decision to make, a pretty big one, does she go with her gut instincts or does she go with her heart/head? .....

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