Chapter Seven

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It had been an odd couple of months, everytime Leigh was without Adam she felt sick to her stomach and on edge, even things like popping to the shop or taking the kids to the park were no longer a manageable task for Leigh without Adam and she didnt know why. She hadnt spent much time with family either, as every time she had it would just lead to an argument with Adam so in her mind it just wasn't worth it.

Leigh felt as though she was just plodding along, not living just simply existing however, when she was around Adam she believed her life had purpose. He was her life, he made her feel alive, worthwhile, a something. Mind you there were days where Adam made Leigh feel the opposite of all them things but she lived for the 'good days' because when it was good it was amazing.

It had been nearly a year now that Leigh and Adam was together, they spent weekends away, took the children on little get away holidays and even went to a bridal shop for Leigh to try on some wedding dresses! She had actually found one, she fell in love with it and she looked gorgeous, she had even found a bridesmaid dress for her daughter, C looked so perfect in a little white dress with pink beads across her chest. But Adam had no intention of buying either or putting a payment down, he told her they would shop about a bit first just incase she found something better. But they never stepped foot into another bridal shop again after that. To be honest Leigh had always expected to be in a wedding shop all day with her mum, sister and maid of honour but she knew Adam loved her and he felt that it should be a private moment between the two of them so she went with it.

They was about to spend their first Christmas together, their first Christmas as a little family, just the four of them the whole day and even though this past month their relationship had been very up and down Leigh couldnt help but feel excited.

One evening after work Adam handed Leigh a small shopping bag, she peeked inside and see something red and silky she pulled it out and held it up, it was a slinky red night dress with the mrs clause kind of theme to it. She looked at Adam and questioned
"Mrs clause? Its not christmas yet"
Adam had a mischevious look on his face and with a smirk he said
"Just making sure mrs clause visits me at christmas"
So it was clear, he had bought Leigh a little nightie dress to wear over christmas for his benefit. Leigh felt a little excited about this, a little role play never hurt anyone.
She had now planned the night of christmas eve out in her head and she couldnt wait.

Whilst Adam worked long days at work Leigh ensured they had what they needed for christmas, kiddies presents, Adams presents, the food, sweets and everything else. Christmas was just a week away and now everything had been bought Leigh was super excited she had never spent a Christmas with anyone as a little family and she knew the kids were excited too.

Christmas eve soon rolled around, the kids were excited, i mean Santa was coming tonight after all! Leigh felt content, doing her normal Christmas eve chores making everything perfect for her kids. Adam was working but he finished at 4pm today so Leigh wanted to make sure everything was done by then so she could relax with her little family watching Christmas movies.

It was 6pm and Leigh and the children had already ate and the children had already had their baths, put their new pyjamas on and opened their stockings. It was a tradition that Leigh had always done with her children every year, christmas eve they get to open the presents in their stockings and get new comfy pyjamas. There was still no sign of Adam so leigh sent a quick message.

Hey babe, where u? Thought you finished at 4.

30minutes goes by before Leigh recieves a message from Adam.

Having a few drinks with the work lot be home soon.

Leigh didnt reply she was gutted, she was so excited for her first little family christmas and Adam knew that so the disappointment she felt was very real. Bed time for the children soon rolled around, both excited that santa was coming tonight!

"Wheres daddy?" Leighs youngest asked as Leigh was tucking her into bed.
"Dont worry he will be here in the morning princess" Leigh replied with a smile, tucking C's hair behind her ear. In all honesty at this point Leigh wasn't confident in what she just told her daughter, she was surprised he wasnt home straight away since it was their first christmas together, didn't he feel as excited as her? He bought Leigh a sexy little outfit tonight to wear as Mrs Clause, Leigh planned it all in her head why was he now out drinking? They had spoke about christmas for so long and his doing the complete opposite. Was Leigh over reacting or was she well within her rights to feel completely disappointed and upset?

🌲Does Adam return home to spend whats left of christmas eve with Leigh? .......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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