Chapter Six

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***** WARNING *****


"Please stop, don't, stop!" Leigh cried as Adam tried to prize her legs open. The children were in their beds sleeping and Leigh and Adam had gone up to bed a while later. They stuck their favourite tv show on and after a while Adam made a move. They had a passionate moment and cuddled up together afterwards. Leigh was just drifting off when she felt the bed move beside her, he moved to the end of the bed and quickly pulled her light pink thongs off, she shut her legs quickly.
"What are you doing?" she asked Adam confused but he didnt respond he didnt even look at her he tried to pull her legs open, she kept them firmly shut.
"Adam stop" Leigh said, he began tickling her hips, Leigh laughed unable to hold her legs shut any longer he was now in between her legs pushing up against her. Although he still had his boxer shorts on Leigh could fill the firmness of him pressing against her
"Adam please, stop" Leigh pleaded, again he didnt respond, didnt even look at her instead he reached down to release himself from his boxer shorts and this is when Leigh was able to nudge him over with her leg, she quickly closed her legs and sat up.
"I said no! What is wrong with you!" Leigh cried
"Your my fiance i can have you when i want!" Adam replied with frustration evident in his voice.
"No, no you cant!" Leigh sobbed.
Adam grunted and laid down, putting his back to Leigh. She put trousers on and laid beside the man who she didnt know anymore, the man who just tried to rape her, her mind spiralling with thoughts, why would he do this? Was he not satisfied? Did he actually just try to rape me? Leigh spent hours laying awake with so many different thoughts racing through her mind she eventually fell asleep from the exhaustion of crying quietly so Adam didnt wake up as he was peacefully asleep snoring like always and of course the exhaustion from all the thoughts circling her mind.

They were currently on month 7 of their relationship and leigh never thought adam would do something like this, if she did she would never had said yes to being his wife when he proposed a month earlier. He was always so kind and caring, showered her with compliments, bought her and her children gifts constantly and just bombarded them all with love of course he made slight comments but none that really stood out to Leigh such as nobody will love you and your kids like i do. She was in disbelief and not looking forward to the morning.

Leigh woke to the smell of toast and tea
"Mummy look" her children shouted as they held a tray with some toast, tea and biscuits infront of her. Adam was standing in the doorway just watching.
"Thank you babies, this is lovely" Leigh smiled at her children taking the tray.
"Right go on you monsters let me get in" Adam said to the children. They bounced off into their bedrooms happily.
"Morning, thanks for this" Leigh said half smiling at Adam, she still felt uneasy about last night.
"Anything for you gorgeous, how about we take the kids to the park for a while today?" Adam asked. It was as though last night had never happened in his mind.
"Do you not want to talk about what happened last night?" Leigh said
"You always have to ruin everything! I made you breakfast, you're just never happy!" Adam shouted at Leigh. Before Leigh could say a word he stormed out the bedroom and within seconds she heard the front door slam.
"Wheres daddy gone?" Leighs youngest asked running into Leighs bedroom.
"Work i think babe, anyways get ready were gonna go see lp today, tell your brother too" Leigh smiled, not showing her child any sort of negative emotion. Lp is Leighs grandad, the children's great grandad, Leigh and the children loved visiting him as he was always playing jokes or always winding Leighs nan Sp up.

Just as Leigh and the children had walked through the door and sat down on Lps comfy cream sofa her phone pinged with a message it was Adam.

Where are you?!

She quickly replied

At my grandads

I thought we was going to the park? Adam replied

You stormed out, what was i suppose to think. So i took the kids to my grandads for the day. Leigh quickly typed back. Within seconds her phone pinged with a reply from Adam.

Honestly Leigh i try so hard but its never good enough is it. Made you breakfast in bed, offered to go park and you just get up like a child and go running to your family. I may aswell go into work

Leigh was quite shocked by his response what did he mean running to her family.

I only tried to speak to you about yesterday thats all and i didnt run anywhere me and the kids like visiting lp always have u no that. Leigh replied

Whatever, we will talk tonight im going into work. Adam replied.

It was suppose to be Adams day off but instead of making things right with Leigh he left her mind wandering, dreading the conversation tonight would bring.

The children and Leigh had a lovely day with Lp & Sp and as the saying goes time flies when you're having fun because before they knew it, they was home, they had dinner, baths and the children were now tucked up in bed sleeping.

Leigh spent the next few hours doing the laundry and pottering around the home tidying. Just as she sat down with a cup of tea Adam walked in. They sat in awkward silence for what felt like hours but it was only a few minutes before Adam handed Leigh a piece of paper, it read;

Last night we was just playing, Adam didnt try to rape me it was all a joke and i got upset for no reason i read the signals wrong i know Adam would never do anything like that to anyone especially me i know he loves me as much as i love him.

"Whats this?" Leigh questioned Adam

"I didnt try to rape you Leigh, you're my fiance i can have sex with you whenever i like. I want you to sign this so if your crazy self or family think you can go police ill have this as proof that i never tried to rape you" Adam said matter of factly, he genuienly believed what had happened was innocent, all made up, taken to far. I mean his said a few times now he can have her whenever he wants as they're engaged, like she is now his property.
Leigh couldnt speak she just kept going from the paper to Adam in disbelief she could fill the tears forming in her eyes.
"Dont even try putting the water works on, i done nothing, you're imagining it differently Leigh, sign it or im leaving and ill be sure to let everyone know just how crazy you are and you think your kids would be able to stay with you when people see how crazy you are? No Leigh they would be gone and you know it. I put up with loads of shit from you how could you even say something like this. Sign it Leigh" Adam said no empathy in his voice, no concern, just pure confidence that he was right in this situation.

Leigh signed the paper, she thought she was actually going mad i mean who wouldn't? Adam was so adament nothing happened the way she believed it did so maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, it wouldnt be the first time Adam has called her out for believing something different to what actually happened. She couldnt risk being without her kids or being without Adam for that matter she loved him, she couldn't live without him he told her so before.

Without Adam, Leigh was nothing!

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