Chapter Four- Past Mistakes

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Hey everyone! So I know the links I posted in the previous chapters were not working out at all so sorry. I posted one of the videos as a multimedia link on the authors note thing and the other video (with Stefan and the trench coats) in the teardrops in the rain chapter. Please watch the videos, they are so funny/good and I'll try to post a video related to the supernaturalists often, whether it's an author interview or something k, thanks. I'm back on the list so thanks. This chapter was really quick to write because it was a flashback moment that I've been thinking about a lot so I decided rather than torment myself and keep it to myself, I'd just release it early so yeah! Here you go happy birthday.


Cassandra opened her eyes with a sigh when she felt the chair moving again. She had fallen asleep shortly after the rain had disappeared, stealing away her warmth. Something she had quickly learned in the brief time she spent in the jail cell before Ellen found her again was that sleeping helped to pass the time. While sleeping, you did not feel hungry, you did not feel cold and best of all, you did not think of your family. Again, Cassandra found herself wishing that the Supernaturalists would come save her. Cassandra remembered the first time she had seen the supernaturalists. The moment still took her breath away sometimes.

She had been following several of the Un-spec four, hoping to find a nest when she realized that she was being led deeper into the heart of Booshka. The area, coined Booshka, (sorry I don't know if that's used the right way) was named so because of the popular past-time of stealing/stripping cars. The area was so famous for it that the name stuck. Cassandra didn't realize where the blue creatures were leading her until she stumbled upon a warehouse. Within, she could hear raucous laughter and revving of engines. A drag race. Her unsatiable curiousity drove her closer, until at the last minutes, common sense told her to climb to the roof. Viewing from above could give her a certain vantage point, she certainly didn't want to be caught by these people.

She entered through a gap in the solar panels, her eyes caught by a mob converging on a single car, far below the rafters. The opposing car had already cleared two miles of the five mile track. This time common sense could not pull her from this beautiful sight. The still car exploded into motion, a loud burst signifying the nitrous gas filling the tank. The rubber tires screamed across the track, eating the ground before it and it no time passed the other car. The car didn't slow, even as it approached the looming wall. Then it suddenly used the emergency stop, all the wheels locked simutaneously and two parachutes deployed out of the back. Only then did she notice the two boys below her.

They hadn't seen her hiding in the rafters of the building, they were both very concerned with the scene below. Cassandra saw the Un-spec four converging upon their helpless prey below as an announcement ran through the warehouse. "The Myishi Z-12 prototype belongs to Myishi, you will be give 12 seconds to leave the scene, otherwise we will detain you for questioning." Panic ensued and everyone ran for the door. But the door was blocked, entrapping them all. Cassandra heard a helicopter and crept into the building. By then the 12 seconds were up and Myishi was legally entitled to open fire on anyone still within the vicinity, which was everyone.

The taller boy below leaned towards the edge, judging the distance before creeping along the edge towards a small ladder. The other boy followed close behind. As did Cassandra. They didn't notice her, they were to concerned with the swarms of paralegals which were a new cross-breed of lawyer and... something else vicious that Cassandra couldn't remember. She just knew to stear clear of them. The one boy made a comment about how he wished the lawyers still fought with brief cases before swinging down the ladder and knocking out a paralegal. The other boy quickly followed down the ladder and grabbed the man's fallen weapon. "Two feet above...the shells have a bit of a drop." The older boy was explaining how to use cellophane slugs, which wrapped their victim so tightly in a layer of cellophane that it rendered them paralyzed until hours later.

The tall boy ran on, defying all odds, running right past a group of paralegals beneath their notice. One, further down noticed the boy, but the shorter boy, that had been left behind on the rafters took all three out with a few cellophane slugs. He had quite an aim. The tall boy ran on without pausing for breath. Cassandra dropped down beside the shorter boy, also firing on the paralegals. "Woah, who are you?" the boy beside her had noticed her and the gun was now pointed her way. "It's ok, I'm helping you. What is he doing anyways?" The boy hesitantly lowered the gun, "He's going to make it rain." Make it rain? Cassandra thought about it for a moment and then looked back at the boy's receeding figure, he was heading for the tank. He was headed for the spray gun. Water repelled Un-spec four. It was brilliant. Pure genius. "Thanks," Cassandra spoke as she turned to leave. The boy grabbed her arm, "We're the Supernaturalists by the way."

Her jaw dropped slightly, Ellen Faustino knew these kids. And now she had the chance to help them. Down the ladder Cassandra went, retracing the boy's steps. Just before the end, she took a detour, headed for another of the three tanks that stood blocking the door. Two sprays from seperate tanks should easily do the trick. She quickly climbed onto the tank and pulled the lever. Several tons of water pressure lay behind the nozzle so she struggled to pull it open but when she finally did, water exploded everywhere. Cassandra sighed as the Un-spec four floated up and away, she was disappointed to have missed her chance. Cassandra turned towards the other tank and noticed that the tall boy was surrounded. Hands up in surrender, he looked less intimidating somehow and more like the child he obviously was. A heavy object hit her in the back and caused her to topple forward off of the tank, a cellophane slug.

Cassandra looked up at Stefan, he was staring at her expectantly. "Sorry?" she tried. "I said, for the last time, who are you." It wasn't really a question, she could tell by the tone of voice that is was more of a demand. They had arrived on their floor again and he dragged the chair back to the room. He kneeled before her and looked deep into her eyes. She sensed the challenge but just beyond that, she saw the anger. Deeper still, lay a sadness that could never be healed. "Who are you?" Cassandra refused to tear her eyes from his, "My name is Cassandra Bashkir." Several emotions flashed over Stefan's face at the same time, shock, confusion, relief but most of all, recognition.

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