Chapter 2: Date a Live

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There were a few humans wearing strange suits flying in the sky—and to add to that, from the weapons in their hands, after the white hair shot at me, what followed was a large number of missile-like things launched at me in precision.

" negotiations or peace talks?"
Saying this, I raised my hand and squeezed it shut. It seems that they didn't hear me or just ignored me huh.

As I did this, the countless missiles crumpled up, as if being compressed, and exploded where they were.

Even the magnitude of the explosions was frighteningly small. It was as if all of the power had been sucked inwards.

It's as if the [Space] warped.
They soon looked at it with confusion unable to completely comprehend as for what I did.

I could somewhat understand the confusion of those people fluttering around in the air. Because neither did I fully understand what I did!

However, they did not stop their attacks. One after another, missiles were shot.

And so, another volley of missiles came right after me but this time, I didn't raise my hand and tried to test a few of my acquired abilities.
<3rd Person POV>


A wide explosion occured and everything was engulfed with smoke and dust at where the Spirit was located.

One person then took the lead and moved forward.

"Hold fire," she said.

Captain Kusakabe Ryouko, the current commander of AST, also known as Anti Spirit Team whose task was to eliminate threats which are called Spirits which occured in this world which were the main causes of "space quakes" that engulfed and devastated the center of Eurasia, resulting in at least more than a billion of casualties 30 years ago. For the next 30 years, smaller spatial quakes plague the world on an irregular basis.

It was there task to eliminate these threats in order to preserve and protect mankind. Of course, AST wasn't the only team present doing this task, there were also other organizations such as DEM and more.

Space quakes were normally unpredictable at first but as years and technology advanced, things like the "space quake alarm", "shelters", and other more facilities were made to ensure the safety of people that might get affected by space quakes and phenomenons akin to that alike.

Ryouko then used her sensors and tried to detect whether the spirit was currently still there or not. Noticing that no changes had occurred on her sensors, she then made a conclusion.

"Elimination confirmed, no signs of life detected. Spirit status unconfirmed and will be treated as "lost". Mission complete, let's go back and report this to the top, also Master Sergeant Tobiichi Origami, we'll have a talk later" said Ryouko as she turned around and prepared to leave.

"..." Origami could only nod in response already knowing that Ryouko would say to her later on. It was just her usual preaches of not getting reckless or something.

They were preparing to leave but at the very last moment, their departing was halted with a loud shout coming from the place where the 'eliminated' target was located before.

"Hey, isn't it rude to launch some barrage of explosives and anti material bombs to a single person?! Tsk tsk tsk!"

The Spirit who was supposed to be deemed as "lost" or had left the area was still surprisingly still there as he caught their attention as he clicked his tongue.

Ryouko along with her teammates widened their eyes when they saw.
The Spirit was completely fine and unscathed—is what they've already expected but it was probably the first time a Spirit tried to communicate with them.

Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now