Chapter 3: Building Foundations [1]

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Sounds of gunshots echoed in the place.

Me, who stood right where they shot at was... scared for a moment. Only for a brief moment though. That's it.

I mean, as soon as I stepped out of the portal I created, I landed here without even a few seconds had passed and someone already tried to kill me.

Who wouldn't be surprised you know? Especially if you don't know where you got yourself into. The portal I made just brought me to some random place which I don't know about. Still, I didn't expect to receive such cold welcome.

Luckily, the shots missed... or rather blocked by some sort of barrier when I lifted my hands when they shot me.
Quickly regaining my composure, I then glared to the ones that shot at me.

Looking at them, they look like thugs? Are they a gang perhaps.

"...curse my luck. No? This... could be good I guess...?"

As I observed them keenly, almost all of them were shivering in fear and shock, some of them were even shitting their pants.


Nevermind that. Ugh.

"W-who are you...?!!" One of them nervously shouted. Following the others, they spouted something too.

At first I wondered why they were acting like that, I then realized that I suddenly came out of nowhere and intruded in this place.

Nevermind that. There should be things that should be better left alone, right?

Looking straight back at them, my gaze unconsciously dropped to the things behind them.

Guns, bullet magazines, numerous crates, bags, packs of money lated all over a certain table, and even sachets and plastic bags filled with white powder.

'Are they some kind of crime syndicate or gang here or something? No, judging from there attires, they resemble thugs even better'

Literally, this kinds of things(thugs, syndicates, etc.) weren't mentioned nor showed in the anime and novel but there are no clear evidence that they didn't exist.

It was then, after looking at one of the corners of the room, I can see dead bodies here.

My eyes widened in surprise. It was a woman holding a child with gunshots all over their body. Another one was a teenager with a battered body which probably died in gunshots as well.

And surprisingly.... I didn't really feel anything much at all when I saw them. It was as if it was just... normal.
Scratch it, I certainly felt something but it is something... foreign yet familiar. Probably just one of the little things I felt about in my previous life.
I then shifted my eyes at the thugs who were shuddering in fear. I guess... 'taking care' of then wouldn't be so bad heh.

'I guess I landed a jackpot this early on.'

My face unconsciously formed grin and the thugs who saw it shuddered in fear and took a step back.

Landing my eyes to whom I presume to be the leader, I then tried to ask him about what happened, I need some clear understanding about what happened here after all.

Taking a step forward to where the thug leader was, I asked as sounding innocently as possible.

"Haha. Hey, did you kill those guys?"
I gave an innocent smile to wards him, yes an innocent smile (evil smirk) just like an infant's (madman's). Expecting some good news, on contrary, the results were abysmal though...

"Y- you..!"

The thug looked frightened then tried to fire his gun once more only to be prevented when I "crumpled" his hand into a mush of flesh.

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