Chapter 8: <Angel> [1]

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[Current Time]
Within the outskirts of Tenguu City, a lone boy could be seen sitting under the tree. This could've been defined as normal except for several things.

"With this.... Hahaha! Got it! Finally!" the boy exclaimed.

Around him were several floating orbs that emit light. On his palm lies an orb as well which emits light, but compared to the others, the one on his palm was surrounded with clasps of sparks and flames and has a force pulling almost anything towards it.

"A successful blackhole, finally. Phew. This took so much of my time..." the boy said in a tired manner as he wiped of the sweat on his forehead.

Considering the time he spent on this which was one week, he doesn't know whether he should be happy or not because he had created it before his self-proclaimed deadline or he can only do it with a probability 1/10 chance of success.

Still, an accomplishment is an accomplishment. He, Rei Ainsworth, had finished his goal that he has been pursuing over a week.

Rei then dissipated the other orbs which vanished into particles of light in the air. Looking at the palm of his hand, he can't wait to try this new ability of his hard work during this week.

"Hehe. Now to test this..."

Rei then flew to the sky and threw the orb to a distant place far enough not to cause damage near Tenguu City.

The orb did not form a parabola and just flew in a straight line in a fast speed. And it was then, when it came contact with the tree from where Rei was recently resting before, it then happened.


An explosion occured and the orb began to expand slowly and slowly until it became almost ten meters in size. Sparks of electricity and flames were also surrounding it as it expanded.

It took for about ten seconds for it to expand to its complete form, and when that ten second was complete, it began to pull anything around it just like a vacuum which lasted for three seconds.

After that, the orb warped swiftly and disappeared. What was left in its place was a crater left with the result of destruction leaving not even a speck of the tree's remains on it.

"Test complete. Heh, now this is what you can call a sure-kill move. Now I just need to practice it until I can use it perfectly in battles!"

Rei happily said as he tried to conjure another wormhole orb on his palm only to result another failure. This did not discourage him yet it still disappointed him that he can't make another one in succession.

'It seems that success was just a fluke resulted by luck', he thought to himself as he heaved a heavy sigh.

"Still, it was no doubt that I managed to do it. So that doesn't mean that I can do it again" he muttered as if he was trying to encourage himself.
Rei then put his focus and gathered mana on top of my palm. Concentrate the mana and apply the concept of [Space]....

[Understanding] the concept of [Space] is more difficult than what someone would've normally think. Specially, the process of making something almost similar to a [Blackhole] in a matter of seconds could be deemed impossible in theoretical means.

Some researches even say that in a very rough approximation, you would need the energy the sun produces over 100 million years to make a blackhole about the size of a grapefruit.

Yet here is Rei trying to make a artificial one in just a matter of seconds. In fact, he already succeeded once. Though its destructive power may pale towards a naturally made wormhole in space, that doesn't change the fact that this is a 'mini blackhole rip-off' as well that could literally shred any being into pieces with just it's gravitational pull acting like a vacuum.

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