Chapter 7: On the side [3]

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Deus Ex Machina Industries, also known by the abbreviation of DEM, is a corporation based in England that is also one of the largest in the world. It was currently being led by Isaac Westcott as the current head director.

It is an organization that could be said to be the most prominent in terms of access in technology and advancement all over this years. Aside from Asgard Electronics, it is the only known industry that is able to manufacture Realizer Units for the Self Defense Forces and the Realizer units currently equipped by the world's military and police forces.

DEM's influence is something that anyone couldn't ignore. The country's police, organizations, and armies, which are supplied with the Realizers by the DEM all have supervisors or maintenance officials deployed by the DEM company. The organization has multiple branches throughout the world, including Japan, though the main headquarters is in England.
It can be said that all Realizer Units are made by DEM. And it seems that only the top brass of the DEM have heard rumors about the organization known as <Ratatoskr>, and have been ordered to eliminate them if they existed.

Due to their enthusiasm in hunting down the Spirits, they are considered economic rivals with Asgard Electronics, whom Ratatoskr is affiliated with.


Along the hallways of the main building of DEM located in England, one woman walked straight towards the corridors with a neutral expression.

Her appearance was that of a beautiful young-looking woman with light Nordic blond hair, purple eyes, pale skin and a slender body. She wore a black suit and high heels.


Her name was Ellen Mira Mathers, Dubbed as "The World's Strongest Wizard," she was also the secretary of DEM's director Sir Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott, one of the company's chief executives.

Ellen was walking down the corridor of the main DEM industries building while perking up her shoulders in irritation.

Her mouth was twisted to a 'へ' shape, her eyebrows were brought closer to make a frown and her walking seemed somewhat violent. For the strongest- Ellen, who has dedicated to fulfill her everyday life with an elegant behavior; this was a rare occasion.

As for the reason for this? We can just say that she was suddenly interrupted when she was training. Though normally she would cut them to pieces, or at least complain to those who had disturbed her private time, but this is a different matter which she could not retaliate nor ignore.

Arriving to her destination, she called out and asked for permission to enter.

"----Ike. It's me"

"Aah, enter," A man's voice responded to her beyond the door.

"I'll be intruding."

After a short reply, she opened the door. Just like usual, Westcott was leisurely sitting down on a chair as if he was waiting for Ellen.

"Sorry, for calling you all of a sudden."

"No-----Did something happen with [Material A]?"

"No, it's not about that. You see, it seems that another kind of Spirit had manifested in this world without our knowledge. To add, it is a [Male] Spirit you see"

"What? That seems to be—"

"Impossible? Right? Well well, look what we have here. Doesn't this already give us enough proof?"

Isaac then passed a tablet to Ellen and was shown the footage contained in it.
What was displayed was a Spirit clad in a black mixed with violet Astral Dress. Beside it was something akin to cannons which are colored violet numbering to four. It showed that it can shoot rays and beams with strength and succession.

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