Chapter 4: Building Foundations [2]

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A warm breeze greeted me as soon as I took a step outside the mansion. From the view here, it seems that this place is on a very high or elevated place.

The empty road devoid of any people nor vehicles was shown. Speaking of the word "desolate", the very description of this mansion fits that well.

There was only one building besides this mansion located of this place. This place was also included in the residential area although it's location was quite far from the other structures and was isolated for this place could be considered to be in the outskirts of the city.

"This is still Tengu City as far as how the place look like from below"

I can confirm it with such certainty. Tengu City after all has a unique look and geography.

"I already saw this many times in the anime and some illustrations but still, it feels quite weird looking at it in person"

'Not that it is bad though' I added in my thoughts.

I took a short stroll around the area to observe the perimeter if there was anything notable to take note off. While doing this, I saw some burnt or rather, glazed spots which still gives a little bit of smoke.

"This is where they were shot at... Well, that confirms my business here"
After a brief moment, I then walk back towards the basement, the place where I warped out from. Observing the dead corpses on the side of the room, I checked the conditions of their body and noticed that.... they were just killed recently since their body still has warmth on it.

I swiftly roamed around the house after that in order to identify who these people were. After a bit of roaming the house and rummaging through some of their things, I then found about who they were.

Yuriko Ainsworth
Rei Ainsworth
Tyson Ainsworth

Those were the names of the people I found back from the basement. Yuriko who was obviously the woman and the mother of the two which was Rei, the teenager and Tyson, the small child. Also, they seem to be of mixed with foreign descent except for Yuriko who was probably a pure japanese person based on her profiles and looks that I gathered.

Yuriko was a single mother who doesn't have any occupation 'at the moment' due to the numerous amount of resume and job application cards in her possession. She is 32 years old and just recently moved into this city. She was probably trying to get a job in the city after finishing settling in in this new home of theirs.

Tyson, who was the small child and the youngest sibling was just 4 years of age. A half. Above that, nothing else worthy to take mention off.

And lastly, this one intrigued me the most.

Rei, who was the eldest son was 16 years old and a student who has already made an application form to go to Raizen Highschool this school year as a transfer student. He has looks that resembles mine except for the fact that he has shoulder length grayish hair compared to my long silver one that stretches down to my lower body. Still, this coincidence sure is surprising even for me.

Overall, I look a bit much taller than him and my aura was the complete opposite of his as for he shows off an aura of friendliness or some sort when I saw some photos of him kept in their things... while me.... is the opposite.

"Obviously... What if I...?"

Then I thought that if I came sooner, I could've saved them. But alas they were dead and I think there is no point of lamenting too much for their loss for me as an individual.

They were strangers to me in the first place. Technically you wouldn't have cared if someone you don't know trips in a corner and slams their head on the ground. Normally, you would've not care so much or only help them out as an act of 'courtesy' to show that you are a well and good mannered individual in society.

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