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christophersturniolo | third person

that night chris tried his hardest not to look as mope ish but it wasn't going well, he had two hours until they were going to be filming, chris decided to go to shower to try and freshen up.

it didn't work.

but chris was in stage one of grief: denial. he's convinced himself he's still groggy from his napping all day.

after his shower he quickly throws on some shorts and a black ransom shirt. he dries his hair with a towel so it falls naturally on his face when its dry.

he puts white airforces one and takes his phone off charge, just in time for nick to come into his room. "dude you look like shit" he says, "thanks" chris says, scoffing, "sorry, we're about to leave though so if you wanna head downstairs" he says and the pair leave his room.

the three are in their usual seats, headed to mcdonalds. chris had set the camera up and they had yung pleit playing on aux with some doja cat every so often for nick's sake.

the music had helped brighten chris' mood a tad but neither of his brothers seemed to notice that he wasn't himself, atleast.. thats what chris had thought.

they find a random parking lot for matt to park in and he sees the camera is so off centred. "chris what the fuck dude?" he says, "what?" chris says, looking up from his fries. "the fucking camera bro" matt says, "its on the dashboard?" chris replies, nick looks up as matt begins raising his voice, "it's facing the fucking window just about" nick laughs at matt's response before actually looking up at the dashboard. "oh chris" he says, pulling on the bridge of his nose.

the three are yelling at eachother before matt gets out of the car after he fusses wifh the camera's positioning.

at this point he had hit record and chris was singing lyrics to a song that was stuck in his head.

matt gets back in. "cameras good, nick's just shining like the bright star he is" he says, "wait am i not in frame?" nick asks, "no you are, you're just shining like the star you are" matt says, "awww thanks matt" nick smiles, "yeah of course" matt smiles back.

nick loved when his brothers and him had these moments, they were completely heartwarming to him. it might sound silly but nick doesn't like the "siblings should be arguing alot more than they should compliment eachother" stereotype. sure him and his brothers fought but it wasn't constant and they got along alot more than people assume.

"this bang energy is really fuelling me right now" nick says, "that's good" matt says, "not sponsored" chris speaks to the camera as nick begins hyping up the drink.

"alllllrighttttt" matt says, announcing that it was time to actually begin the video, "alright let's actually get started" chris says, "matt you do the intro" he demands, "okay" matt says, looking kinda confused, "you haven't done an intro in a long time" he says.

"okayy we're doing future predictions for us and the world" matt says, "people gave us things.." he trails off, confused as to what he was actually saying, "people gave us predictions and we're gonna says whether or not we think its true" nick says.

nick pulls up the story responses and matt looks over, "hey those look like instagram stories" he says, "they are" nick replies, "where'd you get 'em?" matt questions, "our instagram, if you're interested you should follow, @sturniolo.triplets, we post a photo dump from the video we post on wednesdays or fridays or if you would like to know more of us individually you should go follow our personal accounts" nick explains.

"alright nick you sound like a fucking advertisement" matt says, "and what did you sound like?" nick asks, clearly offended, "i sounded confused" matt answers, "lets fucking hurry up" chris snaps accidentally.

"alright this person says fake nature like trees and bushes" nick reads.

"like she thinks they're gonna take nature and put like fake ones in there" nick explains. "for a reason" chris says, "huh?" nick says, "for a reason, they're not just gonna do it to do it" chris explains, "there gotta be like cameras in there" he adds.

"but trees are like decoration" nick says,  "yes they are they're decoration of the world" chris says, remembering valerie's love for how pretty the trees look no matter the season. he's pulled out of his thoughts by matt and nick arguing.

"but trees aren't placed down by us" he argues back, "some of them are, do you think them ones over there just sprouted outta the ground?" chris asks, "listen, trees give off oxygen. that's the whole point of them. we keep trees around because they give off oxygen and like help us stay alive" matt starts explaining, "i feel like we cut down too many trees" nick says, "yeah we do, we gotta chill" matt agrees.

"you know the redwood forest has alot" chris says, thinking about the time valerie had told him about it, it was one of her favourite places to visit. "it's on fire chris" matt says, "redwood is on fire? NOOO" chris says, grabbing his phone to google as matt talks.

"alright next question" nick says, "not the redwood forest bro" chris says, "forest fires are a big deal dawg" matt says, "that makes me so sad" chris says, "i know" he says.

"can we go to the redwood forest national park? is that in california?!?" he asks, eyes widening, "we're going next time we come back from boston" he says. as chris types on his phone nick and matt discuss the original topic.

the three burst into conversation about trees and then chris hands nick goldfish, nick eats them and carries on listening. "wait i didn't want goldfish" nick says, "thats all i got man" chris looks in the bag, "but i didn't want it" he says, "you put your hand out" chris says, "not for goldfish" nick says, "then for what?" chris asks, "a highfive??" chris and matt say at the same time, "no it was for like a 'oh i agree!' and then i ate them instinctively" nick explains.

"chris will make music" nick reads and chris immediately starts smiling, "is that true? do we think that's gonna happen?" nick asks, "yeah im not gonna say anything tho" chris smiles. "disstrack on valerie" matt jokes, "cut that out later nick" chris says, "bro you cant be saying that shit" chris says, "sorry" matt says.

the triplet's finish their video around thirty minutes after and just head home, chris immediately going to his room to mope.

xen's corner

chris in his moping era


make sure your friends are okay <3

i love you all

pms open always🫶

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