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valeriecoleman | third person

valerieluvshotdads: "omg she's insane! she wrote a song about me" I BET YOU THINK ABOUT ME ***********!!!!!!!!!!

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valerieluvshotdads: "omg she's insane! she wrote a song about me" I BET YOU THINK ABOUT ME ***********!!!!!!!!!!

i think about u too

fakelex: "guys im fine i promise" YOU ARE LIKE PAPA!!!!
valerieluvshotdads: LMAOOOO STOP

iheartbillieeilish: taylor fixes everything
valerieluvshotdads: THANK U FOR GETTING IT!!!!!!

tobequitefrankie: babe this is unhealthy
valerieluvshotdads: no what's unhealthy is ur non-obsession with taylor, lana and tv girl

mafflewaffle44: new video out soon
valerieluvshotdads: when
mafflewaffle44: friday
valerieluvshotdads: did i ask?

valerieluvshotdads: this is me listening to taylor fr rn

valerieluvshotdads: @tiktokinsiders !!! also should i decide on my halloween costume now?????

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valerieluvshotdads: @tiktokinsiders !!! also should i decide on my halloween costume now?????

iheartbillieeilish: YES

tobequitefrankie: it's either that or u bawl to taylor swift
valerieluvshotdads: shut up

a few days later friday had rolled itself around the corner and there valerie found herself, sitting at her kitchen island, mcdonalds infront of her as she watched their new youtube video.

she laughs at almost every joke chris makes but also feels guilty, she had been seeing edits if chris looking upset throughout the video. her heart ached for the boy, she'd never tell anyone that though.

she felt awful for the hate she had brought to him, he didn't deserve it.

her manager had scheduled interviews to talk about her ep. she had one tomorrow afternoon with kissfm and then a genius interview a few days after.

she hears her apartment door open and turns to see, frankie, lexie, delyla, nick and matt. she quickly shuts her laptop and greets her friends. "was that our video i just heard?" matt asks, "no i hate your content matt. you ruin it all" she replies. "anyways, i wasn't aware of this, why did you all just show up at my apartment???" valerie asks, "we felt like hanging out to see if you were moping around while crying to lana del rey" lexie says, "that was on my schedule for 9:30 actually" valerie states, in all seriousness.

"do you guys wanna do anything specifically? i'll go get ready" she offers, "i mean it's 4 and i look like i just woke up" she says, "can i borrow some clothes? matthew tipped his root beer all over us" frankie says, showing the white sweats with brown stains, "it was an accident!!" matt defends himself as the other two girls ask for an outfit change. valerie sighs and nods, gesturing for the girls to follow to her room.

she gives them outfits, "anyone want a hoodie i got from matt when i was crying like six months ago?" she asks, she remembers the exact day. chris and her had a huge argument and he kicked her out in the pouring rain. chris didn't mean to be so rude to his girlfriend, he adored her. she knew he wasn't in the best place mentally and neither was she, they kept snapping at eachother and one thing led to another.

"chris can you fucking listen to me for one second? that's all i fucking ask" valerie shouts to her boyfriend who's typing away on his computer, "what? go ahead speak" he replies, "i have been for ten minutes now and you haven't even pretended to listen" she says.

"i was gonna ask if you wanted to go for food later tonight, my treat and i'll drive" she offers, "no i literally came home and said to you i was tired earlier" he replies, "you weren't tired enough to film with matt and nick and then play games on your pc though" she points out. "you haven't spent five fucking minutes to even think to speak to me about my day or anything of the sort" she says, clearly beyond irritated, "how's your day been val?" he asks, sarcastically, "better when you were here actually giving me attention" she replies. "sorry okay? i'm too tired to be in the state to socialise or have a conversation" chris replies, "but earlier-" he cuts her off, "earlier was a different fucking conversation. i had to film because the video is due tomorrow and it was as soon as i got home" he says, "i had to force it" he replies.

the argument begins escalating and by now the pair were up in eachother's faces screaming. "all these fucking excuses! you never have the fucking time for me anymore you're always too tired" she shouts, "im fucking fed up chris" she sighs.

he scoffs. "what am i giving you right now?" he asks, she frowns, "attention. exactly what you've been crying to me about this entire time" he says, "i didnt mean that i wanted to argue and for you to shout at me!! that's fucking stupid!" she says. "i dont deserve this" she states. "what?" he asks, he feels a pang in his heart, he's hoping she wasn't about to break up with him.

"i don't deserve this treatment from you chris. i organised all your clothes like you said you needed to do, i cleaned your room for you, like you were planning to do later tonight, i've stayed up with you the past few nights until ridiculous o'clock in the morning while you did your work. no matter how fucking exhausted i've been from being in the studio" she pauses, her voice breaking, "i don't deserve to be neglected by my own fucking boyfriend who i treat as if everyone should worship the ground he walks on" she shouts.

"then fucking leave" he shouts back, "what?" she says, amazed, "then leave. if i'm this much of a inconvenience, leave my fucking house" he shouts to her. she looks at him and she feels her heart breaking, tears already pour down her face no matter how hard she tried blinking away. she grabs her phone and storms out of the room, chris immediately regretting what he had done.

that night matt had found her walking home in the rain after chris had begged him to since she'd text him back saying "dont speak to me" and "i dont want to speak to you, leave me alone." he insisted on driving back to the house since it was going to storm soon and had promised he'd take her back home as soon as he can the next morning.

he ended up giving her his hoodie and then taking her to the spare room, her going home the next day around 12, not a word spoken to chris.

"anyone want it?" she says, "i'll have it" lexie says, she tosses it to her friend as the others look for clothes to wear. once valerie's friends all had something to wear and their stained clothes were soaking in her bathtub, valerie had taken the chance to get ready for herself. the group then decied to go to the beach around 6:30pm considering no one would be there. they all wanted to watch the sunset too.

xen's corner🫀🫶

i hope you enjoyed the chapter

its been so long since i updated last whoops; fell inlove again but it didn't work out (again)

i love you all so much

if any of you need to talk, message me🫶

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