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valeriecoleman | third person

valerie was preparing for her genius interview. she was getting ready in her apartment with her friends, travis and her main manager, shelly.

she had just finished her makeup and hair and was then putting her outfit together.

"okay, we're gonna mic you up and then you can sit over there for when we're rolling" she explains to valerie who nods, "and at the beginning you can explain how this song is so.. different from the others on the ep? since i had noticed this one seems more angry and less subtle than the others" valerie nods.

"in the process of writing my ep, i just wanted to create something sad into songs, i was writing about certain situations that kind of like hurt me" she explains, she pauses before continuing, "i just wanted to convey this emotion that i feel i didn't convey with the other songs on my ep" she says, "which was the anger that i felt and i feel like alot of people um feel like that so i thought it would be kinda fun to express that in a song" she says.

"for me, a song starts with like a few words that make sense with the concept i have in mind and obviously my writers have their own ways" she says. "some of the words i wrote down for the initial concept were kinda like 'karma', just sorta like 'fuck you' , umm 'gaslighting' just like a bunch of that stuff" she explains.

"okay now valerie, we're gonna have you sing  like each verse and explain the lyrics and their meaning, can you do that for me?" a team member asks, "yeah, of course" she replies, "alright, we're rolling" they reply.

"i still hear your voice, tryna rip my world to pieces but im not your toy, you can break and leave there bleeding" she sings.

"the first verse kinda just describes that gaslighting and manipulative person, and kind of being in a toxic environment, and just breaking through and realising like "hey im stronger than this and im not gonna let it affect me anymore" i feel like everyone kinda deals with that and has that experience" she explains.

"the damage is done moving on if i'm ready or not" she sings.

"if you are just living your life and someone comes in and kind of ruins that, rains on your parade, i don't think it's wrong if you rain on theirs either" she explains, "it's kinda petty but its life"

"but you drag me through mud, here i come now, im petty as fuck, i'm petty as fuck"

"you know, i've seen alot of petty stuff but people mistake hurt for being petty in the end, i mean.. beneath this song, beneath all the angry emotion that's underneath it is just being sad" she explains. "and alot of people mistake that, but i mean honestly, the pettiest thing i've ever done is make the song, if i'm being honest" she laughs.

"i hope you never fall inlove again, i hope you be yourself and lose your friends"

"it's just that feeling of seeing someone you hat succeed like you don't want that. there's always people in the world that will call someone else out for something and kind of put them through hell but it's like, who's gonna call you out?" she explains.

"i hope they call you out for shit you said, i hope you're miserable until you're dead"

"we had the song done and i always like to pick my titles after and there was something about a long bold title that i loved" she says. "i hope you're miserable until you're dead is harsh and aggressive and it's blunt and why not make that the title of the song?" she continues.

"i hope you're miserable, you're fucking miserable. i hope you're miserable, i hope you're miserable until you're dead"

"personally for me, i feel like im at a point where i don't really feel the need to put everyone's life on display and kinda call everyone out, im past that. im fine with knowing my truth. i think it's kina a maturity thing like i could call this person out and say they've done all of this to me and call you out and alot of people may not like it but i won't because i know karma is a bitch" she explains.

"been keeping your shit to myself, if i said it outloud, you'd be burning in hell and i can make everybody hate you, almost as much as you hate yourself but i won't cause, i know, one day it'll come around but, fuck you for now"

"hateful people are just very insecure, i feel like they project their insecurities onto everyone else. "and i feel like its more painful to watch them thrive than wait for karma to bite them in the ass and call them out but i know i'll soon be watching them sit in their regret" she explains, "i know its gonna haunt them in their dreams at night, you know?" she continues.

"i hope you never fall inlove again, i hope you be yourself and lose your friends, i hope they call you out for shit you said, i hope you're misersble until you're dead"

"i hope you're haunted by all your regrets, i hope they fuck you up inside your head, you know i dont forgive and don't forget. i hope you're miserable until you're dead"

"my favourite line has to be i hope you're haunted by all your regrets, i love the chorus itself but i feel like the second one at the end is just so powerful and it's like karma's a bitch type of thing" she explains, "i feel like i'm a very forgiving person but i'm also very strong i could say, i've let alot of people walk all over me for years and ive come to the point know where it's like, you show me one resd flag and i'm done" she adds.

"as soon as i find out someone's true colours it's just no changing for me, you know, i dont forgive and dont forget" she says.

"that's a wrap!!!" they call out, "thank you so much for being here today valerie, you were great" they tell her, "thank you so much for having me, i enjoyed so much" she smiles.

she says goodbye and leaves with her manager to go back home.

xen's corner🫀🥤
hi loves

hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

i love you all

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