Home Meltdown

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After a second, they pulled away slightly, but Peter was unable to open his eyes, Hope's warm breath fanning out across his face until his eyes could flutter open to look at her and see that her eyes were still closed as well.

"Your breath tastes and smells really bad," she commented quietly, lowering her head with a meek smile, and Peter couldn't help but burst out laughing, pulling away so his shaking wouldn't cause him to tumble into her.

"You don't exactly taste like candy either, sweetheart," he replied, smiling. "But for some reason... I can't get enough." He dipped down to kiss her again, and she accepted.

"Um... did I miss something?" Ned asked, making the two teens jump apart, having totally forgotten anyone else was there with them.

"Shh! Ned! You ruined it!" May said, playfully smacking Ned's arm lightly. "I was getting tons of perfect photos!" Indeed, she was holding her phone up.

"May!" Peter gasped, abandoning Hope to hug May tightly--after his aunt had put her phone away. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," May said, "Now go back to kissing your girlfriend, don't let me or Ned interrupt!"

Peter laughed, "I think it's better we save it for later." He let go, and turned to Ned, who looked genuinely confused as his head swiveled from Peter to Hope, and back to Peter, then back to Hope, very comically.

"I'm sorry... What just happened?" he asked.

"Are you okay, dude?" Peter asked, reaching out, and grateful when his friend accepted the invitation to do their handshake, though Ned's hand was a little shaky. "Does anything hurt?"

"Well, my hand and leg could use some work, and breathing is a bit tough, but I'll be fine," Ned said, washing his confusion away to smile at Peter.

"I think you got off easy. I was practically torn to pieces," Peter said, unconsciously reaching up to rub his sore throat.

Ned grimaced. "I don't think I want to imagine it."

"Neither do I," Peter admitted. "Wait," he whirled around to look at Doctor Strange, almost losing his balance, "where's Mister Stark?"

"Stark?" Strange repeated, looking around for a moment more, before looking at Peter. "He's back at the Avengers Compound."

"C-can you help us get to him?" Peter asked hopefully, eyes widening with the hope and excitement--and also fear, because of how Tony had attacked him.

The sorcerer didn't say another word as he turned and opened another portal that revealed Tony Stark, seemingly frantic as he worked on something, sparks flying.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," the mechanic growled. "Come back online, Fri."

"Tony Stark," Strange said.

Tony paused, then looked over at Strange. "I'm sorry, are you handing out tickets to something?"

"I have someone who needs to see you."

"And who's 'someone'?" Tony asked, looking suspicious.

Peter stepped into sight, wincing as his knees almost buckled. He gave a small smile. "Hey, Mr. Stark," he said, heart thudding painfully against his ribcage in anticipation and excitement, and a desperate need to do something that he couldn't exactly place.

The mechanic stared for a minute, before hoarsely stating, "Parker."

Peter nodded hesitantly. "C-can we come in?" he asked.

"Uh--y-yeah, sure." Tony stepped back, in total and utter shock, allowing room for Peter, May, Hope, and Ned to step through, May holding Peter's mask. Strange closed the portal behind Peter and his entourage, but staying on the other side himself.

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