Girlfriend Burrito

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Peter woke with a gasp and a lurch, yelping hoarsely when that single movement sent him tumbling to the floor, the chill making him shiver, and the sleep that still riddled his senses and body locked his muscles, leaving him helpless, and only able to just lay, face-first, on the floor.

A yawn was what gave him enough strength to sit up a minute later, and rub his eyes harshly, trying to rub away the sleep-crust that had once glued his eyes shut, and running a tongue over his teeth to get rid of the weird-tasting film that covered them.

Slowly, Peter fumbled for something to help him up, using... whatever it was behind him to pull himself up, only to turn around and find that it had been a bed.

He was in his room.

Not his room in Queens, but the one Tony had made for him, in the compound, still decorated in everything Spider-Man, still a fanboy's dream. The door was still closed and locked from when he'd locked it to melt down alone.

Was his family still there? Was Hope and May and Ned and Tony still hanging around somewhere?

Oh geez. Tony.

There was so much Peter had to talk to Tony about. His missing powers, stresses only superheroes could relate to, that Peter only trusted Tony with, the specific ILS's, the suit, everything.

But first thing's first.

He really needed a shower.

And some food.

And a toothbrush.

And some floss.

Just... everything hygiene.

Because wow, he smelled bad.

It was a wonder his family was able to bear being close to him yesterday, but it'd be even more miraculous if Tony had already gotten the utilities online, and Peter actually had warm water to shower with, if he could find one.

A quick glance around the room told him that there was a conjoined bathroom available, and further investigation of the bathroom proved that there was lavender-scented shampoo, hair gel and spray, cologne, and... conditioner?

"Mr. Stark, I don't even use conditioner," Peter muttered, though his voice came out as a weak wheeze, and he immediately regretted the use of his voice, and how much he'd used it yesterday, even after his vocal chords had just grown back in--which was weird to think about--his vocal chords screaming in pain loud enough to make him wince and reach up to massage his throat, though it did little to ease the pain.

He decided right there and then that he would no longer talk, for the rest of the week, because mother-flipping-fudge speaking hurt!

And then he caught a glance of the clock on his nightstand, and found that it was nine o' clock.

On a Saturday.

So... it was the end of the week.

Okay... he wouldn't speak for the rest of the upcoming week?

And then Peter realized something.

'Wait...' he thought, staring at the clock, that read June 4.

He distinctly remembered fighting Thanos and dying on May 18.

Look's like school's out.

But he didn't even get to graduate!

Peter sighed, making the nanoparticle suit retract into the holding device on his back, before falling to the floor, leaving Peter surprised by the fact that his cloth suit was still underneath, and stained with his own blood from his fight with Thanos, and from when he was eaten. It was either time to throw the suit out, or fix it, and Peter voted for the latter, even if it was just for nostalgic reasons, because he had a new suit he could use.

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