Chapter 2

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"Can you at least focus on the lesson, Ruby?" Weiss says, looking at the hyperactive red who couldn't keep her mouth shut about all the cool stuff she saw earlier.

"And then. And then... And then that little girl Annie's stuffed toy turned into a freaking flaming bear." Ruby says, fumbling over her words as she gushes about scenes.

"It was pretty cool." Blake says with a slight smile.

"Yeah." Yang adds, lazily resting her head on the table.

"Ooh! And the weapons. Especially the-" Ruby continues only to be interrupted by Jaune.

"- sword! The large sword Garen had!" Jaune shouts, raising his pen as if it was a sword.

On the other side, JNPR's team leader and the energetic member did the same.

"Especially the Twisted fate guy! He was like, woosh, and then zam." Nora says, throwing makeshift cards using folder paper from her notebook.

One hits Ren in the face, "Sorry, Ren." Nora quickly says.

"But it was entertaining. Ryze's magic was majestic, especially the hand movements." Ren says, remembering what he saw inside the otherworldly theatre.

"The coolest move is still the magic sword for me." Jaune says, copying it.

Pyrrha stares at her energetic crush and sees him in Garen's armor. She quickly blushes, hiding her face behind a book.

Cardin sitting far from JNPR, watched the two teams gush over something. As he continues to scan the two teams, something hits his back.

"Ow! what the fuck?" He says, grabbing something from his back. He sees a glowing yellow pen in his hand.

About to turn around to pinpoint the person who threw it, Cardin is puzzled as the pen slowly fades into his hand.

With this, he looks behind him and glares, having no one to pin it to.

Professor Port enters the classroom, shutting up the noisy students, including Ruby, Jaune, and Nora.

"Today, we'll be returning to the Emerald Forest. What for you might ask?"

"To study even larger Grimm!" Port shouts, showing pictures of King Taijitu, Death Stalker, Ursai, and many others.

The students all look on in surprise and fear. Port always includes performance in his lessons, starting with Weiss' fight with a Boarbatusk on the first day.

If they're all going to the Emerald Forest to study bigger Grimm, it isn't too farfetched that Port would have them kill one.

"But do not worry, as actual solo training for killing Grimm of this caliber is not for first years." He says, making the students sigh in relief.

"So we'll have our volunteers team CFVY to show you, freshmen, how to do it." Port says.

"I'm going to give you guys an hour to ready your gear, CFVY and I will wait on the cliffside." Port instructs before leaving.

As Port leaves, the classroom erupts into a bustling conversation as the students all flood out of the room.

RWBY stays there, not keen on being squished in the waves of students walking out of the room.

"I'm bored. Can't we go back and watch another one?" Yang says, unable to even lift herself up from boredom.

"No. Remember what the guy said?" Weiss reminds.

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