Chapter 15

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Slate looked through the records to check for any previous sightings of humanoid Grimm. There have been multiple reports, but they have yet to be proven true. Typically, these reports were trashed and neglected due to the wasteful spending of the taxpayer's lien hiring huntsmen to investigate hoaxes and superstition.

But he and his co-workers decided to archive them. Slate speed-read through the eleventh report, focusing on the description of the humanoid Grimm according to the witness. His face scrunched up in irritation before punching the table. "There's nothing."

What happened had been surreal, a humanoid Grimm inside Vale, powerful enough to breach its walls and defenses and incapacitate four trained huntsmen in one leap. Add the fact that even after being blasted point blank by the max capacity of Rubid's semblance, its body remained intact, whereas most Grimm disintegrated with slight damage.

"Hey. Did you find anything?" His colleague entered the room. Slate shook his head before staring at the picture he got of the creature.

"How's Moissa?" Slate forced his eyes away from his scroll. His colleague gestured to the door.

"She's fine. Like you said, her Aura took the brunt of the landing and damage, but... Rubid's sacrifice, she- I don't think she'll recover soon." He answered, lowering his head with a sigh.

Slate leaned forward, seeing Moissa on the couch, crying her heart out while caressing Rubid's badge. Slate gritted his teeth in anger and leaned back. "I don't have anything. I looked over the past reports, and there's no correlation. Most couldn't even describe what they saw properly."

"So, is this it? Are we going to the station tomorrow to report?" His colleague said, shifting in place.

Slate shook his head. "No. We can stall for a few days. This case, if proven real, will not fall under our jurisdiction; it'll probably be swept under the rug... the notion of this being brought into the light will be chaos."

His colleague narrowed his eyes. "Don't tell me you'll return to this tangent, Slate. The huntsmen academies have secrets, but they're not what you think. There isn't a big conspiracy going on. Let's report this to the higher-ups and let them do the work."

"Obsessing over this wouldn't be healthy; we still have a funeral ceremony to set up for Rubid. Maybe after we've recovered, we can continue, but we are not in the right state of mind for this right now." He said, gesturing to the crying Moissa in the other room.

Slate sighed. "I know. I-I just don't want this case to be dismissed. We'd lost Rubid because of that thing, and it got the jump on us, us! We're experienced huntsmen, for fuck's sake!"

"Just give me one more day to get a lead. We'll report it if I don't get anything tomorrow."

Slate's scroll vibrated. He picked it up to see it was a message from Ms. Goodwitch. "Who is it." His co-worker asked.

"It's Goodwitch; she told us Headmaster Ozpin wants to meet with us tomorrow." He answered.

"Should we go?"

Slate nodded. "Yes, it would cover this up for a day. And I think I already have a lead. Pull up the CCTV footage around Beacon, even the ones in the Emerald Forest."

[This time skip is brought to you by an irritated and shaking Zed, watching Blake misuse his powers]

"Yes, Mr. Arc?"

"Josie Ricial!"

"Splendid. It seems Mr. Arc is atoning for his past discrepancies." Oobleck beamed, nodding at the Jaune Arc-disguised Velvet. The rabbit Faunus could only chuckle awkwardly.

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