Chapter 16

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As Sun got closer and closer to the building, his grip tightened around his weapon. The screams had halted, and only silence remained, plunging the Monkey Faunus more into fear. Blake's good, but she's not that strong to handle an entire group of White Fang militia.

He gritted his teeth, using his staff as a pole vault to push him into the air and through the warehouse's front windows. "Alright! Break it up, ya animals!" Sun quipped as he fell. What greeted him wasn't a warehouse full of soldiers and recruits but a massacre knee-deep in blood and guts.

It took everything from the boy not to hurl and further sully the defiled corpses of the mutilated Faunus underneath him. But his body craved a reaction, and in turn, his legs quivered and fell to the ground, staining his gloves, pants, and shirt in blood.

His original goal grazed against his mind as his eyes widened, scouring the ground for Blake, but she wasn't there. She was in the middle of it, petrified and shaking like- like she was the source of all this carnage.

'No.' He forced himself up. 'Blake would never do this.' Sun slowly moved through the corpses, using his staff as support. Tears sat at the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall as he saw more of the lifeless and disturbed eyes of the victims.

He fell to his knees before the girl who only stared through him. "Blake?" He softly shook her, awaiting a reaction, but the only thing he got was muted sobs and incoherent mumblings.

Everything pointed to the girl. The screams and the sudden silence mere minutes after Blake's entrance. But she would never do this. 'Would she?'

'No!' Sun fought with his own assumption as he knelt lower to peer into Blake's bloodshot eyes. Suddenly, the mech that had evaded Sun's attention powered up, and the howling laughter of Torchwick invaded his ears.

"What. A. Show!" Torchwick clapped and made sure it was heard. "Really showed them who the alpha of the misbegotten is, huh?" More laughter. After a while, he sighed in relief.

'What's he talking about!?'

At this point, the criminal took notice of Sun as well. "Monkey boy, you're here too? You should've seen it! It was quick, but that made it all the more entertaining. Pussycat here got really creative in dispatching her own kind." He chuckled.

Sun stood up, pushing through the fear and doubt. "You're lying! Blake would never do something like this!" He shouted. "You killed all these Faunus and are trying to pin it on her."

"I guess I was right in my assumption of you, kid. Not very bright." Torchwick clicked his tongue. "No matter. Explaining this to you will be a waste of time since you're going to be dead in a couple of seconds."

"I'm going to be in deep shit if I told my benefactors I watched their pawns and grunts be annihilated by some pussycat student with an aching heart for equality." He hissed, now realizing how this would look to his boss.

"But with both of you as my fallback, I can negotiate a death sentence to being chewed out, and I've been there many times before." He laughed once more before activating the guns on the mech's forearm.

Sun leaped at Blake and hugged her tight before activating his Semblance. Three golden clones erupted from Sun and blocked the hail of bullets from the mech, going in turns to shield the two from the onslaught.

He tried to shake Blake out of her stupor but to no avail, leaving the boy no choice but to carry the girl and drag her out of the warehouse. The mech's gun overheated, bringing Sun the needed break as his severely weakened clones crumbled.

"You're more durable than I thought. How about this!" Torchwick flicked a switch, sending five rockets toward the two Faunus.

Sun dropped Blake onto the floor and created three more clones, pushing him past his limit and weakening him. It was his last-ditch effort before crawling behind Blake to be the final shield between her and the rockets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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