Chapter 10

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"For Ms. Xiao Long, the weapon isn't needed, but I'd still like to teach you to call upon the chosen Legend's weapons, so kindly take off your gauntlets for now." Raziel instructs, following Yang to the middle of the grid.

Yang takes her gauntlets off and hands them to Raziel. He teleports to the teams and passes it to Ruby before going back to Yang, "Do as the others did and close your eyes."

"I know you can already feel the pull of the four skills beckoning you, but you must reach for a weaker one. Ignore the others." Raziel whispered, making sure not to distract the concentration.

Yang tries her best to stray away from the skills, using her full willpower to not get sucked in. And just like Raziel instructed, she felt another fainter pull.

Yang, without hesitation, lets herself give in. She feels a familiar feeling of warmth from her forearm to her hands. Hearing the noises of amazement from her friends, Yang immediately opens her eyes and sees hi-tech gauntlets equipped in her arms.

"Woah." She mutters, moving each finger as it responds perfectly to her hand's movement. She does some practice jabs and punches, practically shouting in joy as it feels like Ember Celica is still in her hands. The weight didn't reflect its size.

"Whatever material was used for this is top-notch. It weighs almost nothing!" She shouted as she continued punching the air.

"Alright, let's see the skills!" Yang smiles, hitting her fists together, creating a gust of wind around her.

"Not yet. You and Mr. Daichi will train together." Raziel says, gesturing for Yatsu to come closer.

Raziel hears Glynda call his attention and turns around, "Yes?"

"I must go. The representatives from the other Kingdoms are going to be shown their dorms. Continue the training." Glynda says, looking at her scroll.

"Of course. And remember our plan, Ms. Goodwitch. You are to look for a team for each Kingdom so we may have champions across Remnant." Raziel reminds. Glynda nods before leaving.

Raziel turns around, only to see Yatsu already with his shield, "Wonderful, we can speed up the training."

"Go! Braum!" Velvet and the girls shouted as Yatsu raised his shield.

"Braum is here!" He awkwardly replies, to which the girls all squeal in joy.

"Hey! No shout for me?" Yang cheekily asks.

"Go! Fat hands!" Coco shouts, weirdly familiar with the phrase. The students all laugh with Raziel.

"Hey! It's the gauntlets!" Yang immediately follows, seemingly irked by the notion of her having fat hands.

"Alright. Settle down, let's begin." Raziel says, stopping further arguments. "Mr. Daichi, third skill. Ms. Xiao Long, first. Let him activate it first."

Both students nod as they move away from each other. Yatsu closes his eyes and lets himself be pulled by his third power. He opens his eyes and sees the familiar ice shield covering him.

Yang does the same. Her left gauntlet starts glowing blue as Yang feels the attack charging up. After a few seconds, she punches, the strength of the attack pulling her towards Yatsu's shield. Her punch lands, but Yatsu's shield absorbs the attack.

"That was a solid hit, Yang." Yatsuhashi compliments.

Yang scoffs, "I doubt you felt anything." She says, warming up her shoulders.

"Don't fret, Ms. Xiao Long. It's just in Braum's third skill to negate all damage on the first strike on his ice shield." Raziel laughs, "That one punch you did was enough to decapitate an Ursa in one hit." He mentions. Getting some gasps from the students.

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