Chapter 7: I Bet

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I bet you start loving me
Soon as I start loving someone else
Somebody better than you
I bet you start needing me
Soon as you see me with someone else
Somebody other than you
And I know that it hurts
You know that it hurts your pride
But you thought the grass was greener on the other side
I bet you start loving me
Soon as I start loving someone else
Somebody better than you
~Ciara "I Bet"

I finally had the nerve to call Devin.
Lisah and Jamel sat on each side of me just to make sure I did it.


Please don't pick up.




"Hey Devin." I said nervously.

"Wassup Bran Bran?"

I couldn't say anything.


My mouth was moving, but no words would come out.

Lisah snatched the phone.

"Monte hit her in the face, Devin." She told him, I hated her right now.

"He did what!?" I could hear Devin scream through the phone. I know he was pissed. "Is she at your house right now."


"I'm coming to get her." he said.
"Get her? For what?" Lisah asked.

"I'm taking her home, to my house."

"I don't know Devin, she's scared."

"Trust me, she won't after I finish with Monte."

I heard a car start. He was on his way here. I held my head.

"Hello?" Lisah said.

He must've hung up.

"He's on his way here, isn't he?"
Lisah nodded.

Jamel looked like he was in deep thought. I tapped his shoulder and he jumped.

"Huh?" He was clearly lost.

"You okay?"

"Yeah" he said. I just left it alone.
There was a knock on the door.
Jamel went to get it and Devin marched in.

"Where is she?"

"Right here." I whispered coming to the door.

"Let's go." He said and walked out the door.

I followed and got in the car.
It was silent the whole ride home.

When we got to our neighborhood, he pulled into my driveway and got out. Monte's car was gone, but Devin knocked anyway. When he didn't answer, Devin got back in the car.

"Where would he be right now?"

I hesitated, but I couldn't lie to him.

"Probably at work."

"Okay, you can drive."

We switched seats and endured another quiet ride to Monte's office.
I parked and we went inside and up the elevator.

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