dear cole

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Dear Cole,

It's been what... seven months? I don't know why I'm writing this now - it's not a particular milestone - but every month with you feels like it deserves its own celebration. Something came over me at lunch today, and I ran out of the room just to write this letter.

You were drinking a hot chocolate, and we were all laughing and joking about Lloyd falling over in the city earlier, calling him the 'clumsiest ninja alive'. Jay dared you to chug it, and even though you acted humble about it, I could see the light in your eyes change as you dared to accept. So we watched you tip the contents of the mug down your throat (I payed specific attention to the way your Adam's Apple bobbed with each gulp) and when you slammed the mug back down onto the table, there was a little speck of whipped cream on your nose.
I thought it was adorable and we all laughed until our stomachs hurt, but I swiped it off for you and as I did, you turned your head and pressed a swift kiss to the inside of my wrist. All time stopped around me, and I blushed all over and felt fire rush through my veins. Honestly, I thought my elemental powers would explode and I would accidentally burn the monastery down. You are an insanely attractive and loveable guy and I'm lucky to have you.

Maybe I should write a list of why I feel the way I feel?

1) Your cake addiction

It's cute. Every time your face brightens when you open the fridge I know that there's a new plate of cake waiting there for you. And you'll offer it to me even though you know I'm dramatic and only eat from my own spoon, so you always bring over two spoons when I'm in the room. You even make sure to bring over the one I got from a fan down in Ninjago City - with my fire symbol engraved into it - as long as Zane has washed it.
Speaking of, has that mechanic been to fix the dishwasher yet? Poor Zane is stuck on dish duty every day...

Right. Off topic, let me get back to it.

2) Your selflessness

One time, we were fighting a crew of ghostly skeletons and some boy skated into the fight on some neon green roller skates. I can vividly remember the pure fear on Nya's face as he swooped past her, not in control of his wheels. Behind him, his mother with a face as white as a sheet chased him desperately. She was panic stricken and screaming, and soon the skeletons were aware of her and her son whizzing through and around the fight. You were locked in a brawl with the ringleader of the skeletons, and though Jay and I were trying to catch the family and lead them to safety, luck wasn't on our side. Zane was out of action, Nya was perched on a lamp trying to strike an enemy with her water powers and Lloyd and Pixal were occupied elsewhere, fighting the skeleton cronies. As the son was behind you, you turned around and leapt to catch him.

As you did, the skeleton managed to get an open hit at your back with his sharp club. You struggled to walk for weeks, didn't you? I remember Jay screaming and firing blinding lightning at the skeleton, and I ran over whilst protecting us and the boy with a shield made out of fire. You bled into my hands as I hugged you and ripped off my sleeve to staunch the pulsing blood and the boy was gagging the whole time - but I wouldn't trade that moment for the world, because it was another thing that made me realise how much I love you.

3) Your looks

You know me - hair gel and hair styles for days. I can't help but take looks seriously, no matter how egotistical or shallow it might sound. It's g good in your case - you're like a greek god. I can card my fingers through your black hair for hours and you'll just hum and lean into me. Your jawline is cut with fine glass, and your elemental powers have given you such muscular biceps that you can pick me up over your head without a strain. Next to me, we're the city's best couple for sure.

Please wear your sleeveless hoodie and man bun more often.

4) Your hugs

Before I met you, I thought that the best hugger I knew was Nya. My parents weren't around and I couldn't get out to make any friends because I was too busy running the blacksmiths and taking care of Nya. Whenever she wanted to remind me she appreciated all that I was doing for her once she was old enough to understand, she would run up to me and throw her arms around me, knocking against me with so much momentum that I nearly fell into the fire every time.
But a few years later, we had a major victory against the serpentine and we were all still basking in after-battle adrenaline and relief. Jay fell onto me first, squeezing my ribs so tight that I choked on the dust in the air. Then, Lloyd grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in, whispering a thank you which made me grin like a mad man - you know I love validation.
Nya was her usual self, almost reminding me of her childhood self as she plowed into my side after ditching the samurai suit.

Then you finally came over, before we had even gotten close enough to fall for each other, and you enveloped me in a hug. It was so warm, and somehow your arms were a perfect combination of firm and soft and I felt like everything would be okay. You've always been taller, so my head was right against in between your chest and your neck and I could hear your heartbeat thumping after the hours of exhaustion and grit. I apologised as my sticky, sweaty forehead left a mark on your gi, but you laughed and told me to not worry. Looking at your eyes shining so bright even though we'd fought so much, I felt as if I would never feel lonely again.

Ever since that day, I always came to you for hugs and when I needed cheering up. I know I tried to cover it up with confidence and made up some excuses about why I was in your room at quarter to twelve at night, but you saw right through me, didn't you?
I'm glad I did it though, it brought us a lot closer.

I guess this is it, for now? Maybe every month I'll write you one of these, as a little reminder of how much I love you. Maybe I won't even ever show you this, and I'll be too scared to even grasp at the courage I need to put it on your bedside table, but I needed to get it out before my heart fluttered out of my chest like grains of sand in the breeze.

Sincerely, your very loving boyfriend,
Kai ❤︎

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