Technique Smechnique: afterthought

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Two months of Kai living the life he felt that he deserved. Two months of a boyfriend who shared his interests and completed him. Two months of avoiding the 'meet the parents' talk.

"When can I meet your parents?" Cole asked, rolling onto his stomach on the studio's extendable couch. He knew that Kai wasn't close to them but he had never actually been told just how bad it was. He grimaced at his boyfriend before replying.

"Friday," He started, and Cole gasped, then Kai continued, "in five years,"

Immediately, Cole's face dropped. "Is it seriously that bad?"

Instead of responding, Kai just shrugged and pulled on his ballet shoes. Any distraction would do. He tried to focus on tying them, and pulled the ribbons so tight that his skin cried for mercy. He didn't relent. Cole scooted over to him and rested one hand on his knee and the other on his cheek. "It's okay, we won't rush it,"

"Thank you," Kai murmured, kissing the tip of Cole's nose when he relaxed. Surprised, the street dancer began to blush all over. His boyfriend chuckled then got up and centred himself in the room. Music began to fill the room and so did his performance. For such a slim guy, his dancing was big. Every movement stretched and the emotion didn't leave a spot untouched. He could travel the room in a couple of well placed leaps or turns. It was so angelic, and he looked perfect while doing it.

Cole remembered the first time he had seen him, a few months ago. It was a different dance, and this time Cole wasn't stood outside, mesmerised and soaked by rain, watching through the glass. He wouldn't have it any other way. But now, after a very chanced meeting, they were here, together and inside the studio. No one else was here at 9pm, but Kai had assured him that he was allowed in at 3am if he wished so, even had his own personalised set of keys that he had his sister's boyfriend paint a fire design onto.

Speaking of Nya, Kai was a lot more willing - maybe even eager - to let Cole meet her. From the way he constantly related events to her with that admiring look in his warm eyes, he knew that they were two peas in a pod. Overall, Cole was psyched to get introduced to her in person. A week ago, she had facetimed her brother while they were hanging out at Cole's. After chatting to her, he realised they were both quite mature and level-headed, but Cole was more rebellious and Nya was very witty. Cole saw how well Nya and Kai got along, and almost wished he had a sibling.

It's not that he had a bad childhood home, but more like an empty childhood home. After his mother - Lily Brookstone - passed, his father joined some geeky music group and payed more attention to ironing his show blouse than talking to his son. When he finally set himself straight and tried to bond with Cole, it was only to force him into jazzy music and classical dance - it wasn't Cole's cup of tea. In fact the only way he could enjoy them was when it was with Kai.

Now that he had found himself and moved out, and his father had grown a bit wiser, they kept casual and stayed in touch a little. Despite hating the genre, he had attended one of Cole's gigs before, much to his son's delight.

"What about Nya?" He mused.

"Huh?" Kai's movement came to a halt and he looked over. His well kept hair swished as he cocked his head. Before even speaking, Cole grinned despite himself at the sight of his boyfriend's eyebrow scar furrowing as he spoke. Cute.

"Could I meet her someday?"

"I... Yeah, yeah you can,"

Cole relaxed and walked over to him, heart thumping. The blush on Kai's face betrayed his secret shyness, the thing he hid behind a mask of sarcasm and a big ego.
In a swift movement the smaller man was pulled in close to Cole's firm torso and then he was being dipped. For the flair, he lifted a leg and they glanced at themselves in the studio mirror. A picturesque scene of two dancers, bodies not an inch apart. All that was left to do was kiss him, and he did. Soft lips against his, slender hands brushing over the back of Cole's neck and playing with the tufts of hair that grew there. A shiver ran up his spine and Kai smiled into Cole's face.

"Ow! Back cramp," He suddenly yelped, frightening Cole. He fell from his arms and landed on his back, a stunned look on his face. They burst out laughing.


"There she is!" Kai punched his sister's shoulder and she shot him a look, but her eyes betrayed her playfulness. Cole realised how nervous he was now.
Nya was confident and forward, unafraid of saying her opinion. Cole, despite his calmness and good looks, felt sort of intimidated. What if she decided he wasn't good enough for the firecracker that is Kai? He waited with baited breath as they hugged and offered a polite smile when she turned to face him - the same charming one that he used on his father's work friends as they pranced around and harmonised in his living room. It was good for hiding discomfort.

"Hey, you're Cole then!" Nya was energetic, like Kai, but was more mature about it. Her black hair was in a bun, revealing earrings with a water droplet design and her clear blue, imploring eyes. He felt as if she could read him in the drop of a hat.

"Hi, Kai's told me a lot about you," He said, shaking her outstretched hand. As she let go, he saw the glisten of a ring on her ring finger, a blue gem glittering proudly on the top. "Oh, are you engaged? Congratulations,"

Nya beamed. "I'm not yet, but I'm optimistic. My boyfriend will actually be here later, I just sent him to reserve a table at a restaurant for us,"

Kai blinked at her. "Thanks, Nya. I didn't know we were going out, I would've worn a better outfit." He looked down at his oversized top, one of the sleeves ever so slightly burnt (long story), and scuffed his threadbare shoes against the floor.

"You're a wreck, young man," She sighed, "don't worry, Jay probably chose some second rate pizza place,"

Cole brightened up. "I love pizza!"

"You love all food," Kai snorted, but interlocked their fingers as they began walking.

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