44. The fate of all

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The atmosphere was charged with fear, coldness and evil, at that moment Snape realized that the followers of the Dark Lord, if they were not there out of madness or obsession, they were there out of terror of the consequences of not belonging to his side.

He had spent so many years climbing the micro-society that Voldemort imposed. Hours where the only thing he thought about was the terrible acts he was going to commit and where the light that kept him alive was Lily; with that vague hope that she would come to her senses, look at him again with those eyes full of life and say: "I feel the same". He knew that it only took that one sentence for him to grab all his things, and escape from England, close to the most important magical tipping point of the century.

However, he tried to refuse in his ramblings, because when the dark lord found him staring blankly, he would simply break into his mind and smile mockingly.

"That woman again" he muttered, resting his cold hand on his shoulder, "she's your only problem, Snape."

At school, she was just part of his Slytherin gang, but in there, next to Voldemort, he understood that neither his past nor present mattered, only the future. If he was willing to die in that instant for a greater gain, he was useful. Gone were the squabbles between James and Him; the two of them put their lives on the line every day.

Of course, he heard about James and Lily's news, he was always on the lookout: The Potter's who were being taken to task for their good relations with Muggles, were eradicated from the list of the hallowed twenty-eight after James conceived marriage to a dirty blood. About the little boy, it was more confusing, because before he grew up, he was still a baby.

Snape just listened to the news being as indifferent as he could, not showing that every word of that article pierced his heart like poisoned arrows.

He remembered it well, the day it all went to shit. First that prophecy she told Voldemort about, and on her knees begged him not to murder her, her Lily. The Dark Lord only uttered a nod, before rising from the couch and preparing for the final move.

He didn't trust, how could he trust a person who messed with his mind just for the fun of it? He swallowed his pride and without thinking, he turned to the one person, who in his school years, helped him to move on. He told her everything he said, heard and felt; he accepted to be called disgusting for his selfishness and lowered himself to the minimum, it didn't matter anymore if it secured Lily his life,

That night it wasn't raining, hot or cold. He considered that it might be the darkest night of the year, for not even the stars illuminated his tears. James died without a choice and Lily died choosing her own fate. In front of the child Voldemort saw the tears in her eyes and then vanished.

Harry Potter, that day became great, the Death Eaters were caught, He was forgiven by Dumbledore and after a few declarations, he began to do classes at Hogwarts; waiting for the day when Lily's death would no longer hurt and, being sure that, if he could convince himself that Harry was more like James than Lily, he would be fine.

Unfortunately, Harry had the same eyes, that one day proved to him that it wasn't wrong to be happy.

『 °*- ღ -*°』


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