16. The cat's Kiss

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All good things happen on rainy days; Remus and Sirius confirmed it, when they were left alone in the room.

It was raining so hard that the noise was loud, the water was shaking the trees, and hardly anyone wanted to be outside.

Unless you were James Potter, and you were on the Gryffindor team, or you had a girlfriend in Ravenclaw, two months before OWL's, as was the case with Peter, who disappeared as soon as he could.

Remus and Sirius didn't fall into either category, because the first had immense vertigo (as well as being gay) and the second, had been suspended from the team for punching a Slytherin student, and had been out for three months since breaking up with Mary.

Bored, their only available homework was, studying, playing chess (since Remus hated the exploding Snap), reading, and talking.

They scattered their books, pens, and notes on the carpet in the middle of the room. Sirius was having a bit of a hard time with Transfiguration that year, while Lupin was just reviewing because he could concentrate on something other than Sirius and how cute he looked in a sweater.

The job was to transfigure a pet into a cauldron. Since none of the four of them had an animal other than owls, they borrowed Dorcas's cat, who was so lazy and fat that she didn't flinch at the constant shapeshifting.

"Can we borrow Bigots'?" Sirius asked Dorcas, who was playing cards with the rest of the girls, "I want to practice for transformations.

"I had to take Bigots' to the vet, she'll be back tomorrow" Dorcas answered, "but Marlene has a cat too."

Marlene's cat, Fiona, was restless and wouldn't stop running around because she was still small. When Sirius took her into the room, she began to hide in every corner of the room, sniffing every corner and object that seemed new to her.

"Moony, hold the cat!" Sirius exclaimed.

Remus nodded and managed to catch the cat by the scruff of the neck, "Very good..."

He left the cat in the middle, in the cage Marlene had for the feline. Expectantly, Lupin began to watch as Sirius began to perform the incantation, without success.

He managed to change a paw or the tail, never completely. Lupin, for his part, waved his wand and the cat instantly changed into a firm, realistic cauldron.

"I don't understand how you do it," Sirius blurted out, watching Remus return the cat to its normal form, "I do the same as you!"

"You move your wand too much," Remus pointed out, stepping behind Sirius' back, placing his hand on the back of his friend's, "It's light, first to the right and then to the left."

Sirius did better than last time, managing to transform the feline into an orange cauldron.

"You'd be amazing as a teacher!"

Sirius turned around while he was still transfiguring the animal and inadvertently pulled Lupin forward, partially impacting him with the magic. Leaving a cat-faced Cauldron and Remus with a pair of orange ears, tail, and whiskers.

Remus looked at himself in the mirror, he looked pathetic, as if it was a bad costume. Sirius started laughing at the trouble he caused, while the cat kept meowing in confusion.

"At least your voice didn't change, you Moony" Sirius laughed. Ending up on the floor in a squatting position while holding his stomach, "Ha! You should see if you can land on all fours."

Remus watched him out of the corner of his eye and then noticed his sharp nails, he crouched down and walked over to Sirius showing him his claws.

"I could give you quite a scar with this, you know?" Remus threatened, with a grin, "or maybe rip your posters."

At this last they both stood up, Remus ready to claw at the pamphlet that was stuck to Sirius' wall, while the other tried to stop him, grabbing him by the tail.

Lupin let out a pained groan as he was pulled, fell backwards to the floor, trying his best not to hit his head. Sirius sat on top of him, still holding part of Lupin's tail in his hand.

"Don't you dare."

"You started it."

"You, you transformed me."

At the brush of Sirius's thumb on the now softer tail, Lupin shivered. It didn't hurt, though it was uncomfortable and sensitive, as if he were stroking his spine with his cold hands. The cat's meows ceased, and the rain intensified. Something Lupin couldn't stand and forced to exchange positions in one swift movement.

"Touché" Sirius whispered mockingly, not letting go of Remus' tail. "What's the matter, Moony? Cat got your tongue."

"Idio..." Sirius tugged on his tail again, drawing a tear. He laid his head against Sirius' chest, trembling. "Please stop."

Sirius stopped, took the wand, and removed Remus' feline features. Fiona returned to normal, shocked the cat ran to hide.

The boys stayed in that position a while longer, even though it was no longer necessary.

"Moony, look at me," Sirius muttered, being ignored, "Look at me."

Lupin looked up, he was embarrassed, all red in the face and biting his lip.

"Don't say anything," Remus growled, trying to stand up. "Stop holding my legs."

Sirius grinned, letting his hands-free even though his legs were wrapped around Lupin's waist.

"It's not funny" Lupin said, feeling Sirius blow in his ear. "Come on, we have to..."

Sirius held Remus' face and kissed him, biting Lupin's lip to get him to open his mouth. Then he ran his hands behind Remus' neck, bringing his legs back on the floor.

"Remus, shut up," Sirius ordered, pulling away from Lupin, "You talk too much at the wrong times."

Lupin lay back on the bed, feeling Sirius' kisses on his lips, neck, and collarbone. He growled at a few bites Sirius made on his fur, as if marking the ground; his inner wolf stirred in wonder, the whole atmosphere, despite the heartbreaking rain in the background, began to raise its temperature. It was just the two of them and the cat, who meowed for attention.

Remus switched positions leaving Sirius under his power, he gave him a long kiss while combing his black hair. He smelled of the shampoo the four of them used, but the simple gesture of Sirius emanating that scent, caused the fragrance to transform into something, completely different.

He broke away, leaving Sirius somewhat stunned, but ready to continue. Remus, on the other hand, re-buttoned the buttons of his shirt and said:

"Come on, Padfoot that your job isn't going to do itself, and the cat is already driving me crazy"

"You're already a Loony" Sirius added, trying to grab Lupin's hands again, "My Moony"

He rolled his eyes and got out of bed as if nothing had happened. Sirius pouted his lips.

What Lupin didn't want to admit was, he felt uncomfortable snogging in that room, in Sirius's bed, with the photographs of James playing Quidditch, hanging above the back of the bed.

He almost felt like he was betraying James with every kiss he gave.

『 °*• ღ •*°』


Sorry, I suck at telling kissing. At least these stories gave me practice.

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