Hot then cold
Close then far away
One second you open up to me
The other you're as hard to read as a book dipped in cement
I chip and chip away at it
Trying to break through your walls
Trying to reach into your heart
But the light appears as fast as it's gone
Somewhere deep down I know that you're suffering
You said no one could cheer you up
But I don't believe it
I don't want to give up on you
I wanna care for you
I want to show you how much you matter and how incredible you are
I wanna be here for you but why don't you let me?
I chase and battle and chase and fight
Only for you to throw all this effort away in a single sentence
I don't intend to be your knight in shining armor or something as grandiose as that
I just want to make the pain a little easier
The loneliness a little less
Because I know how it fucking feels
But you never let me
Our relationship is a chasing game
But I'm the only one chasing you
- Oct 21 2022
Broken pieces
Thơ caThe only way for me to cope with the overflow and intensity of my emotions is to write so I offer you my pain, my sorrow, my breaking, and my wounded soul. Oct 20 2022