Meant to be broken

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I'm only meant to be broken 

Stumbling through this world 

Searching for comfort and happiness 

For the love I've been so deadly searching for 

Every moment of happiness is but a fleeting rush of butterflies 

Sinking deeper again 

Every time

The pain catching up to me 

The pain that never goes away 

Every time I love 

Every time I find the happiness I'm looking for the first thought that comes to my head is : "how long will this last ? When will I crumble and fall down again ? " 

Every time 

I'm ready to put my heart, my soul, my everything into loving you

Every time, I end up being the one getting hurt 

The one that no one ever fights for 

Maybe my fate is to always fight for two 

To heal people just to be the one to break even more 

All that's left of me is broken pieces and blood and scars that will never turn to gold 

And this little sunshine 

Slowly dying

But never fully so 

The little sun that shines out love and care and power every time 

Just to be stabbed again and again

Maybe I should be the one to kill it

Maybe I should just go numb, maybe I should stop trying, maybe I should stop caring 

Because I'm only meant to be broken

~July 7th 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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