Chapter: 'SIBLINGS'

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The raven haired 'waterdere' awoke to the sound of his doorbell ringing. It's 5:30 in the morning and he does'nt feel like getting up soon.

*Dingdong! Dingdong!*

The ringing continued and he just ignores it...Who could be here early in the morning giving him a headache first thing? Maybe it's just his imagination,as the rings fade in his mind,he goes drowsing off too..


*Di-di-di-di-didididing DONG!!!!*


Getting up on his futon he dizzily walked to the angry doorbell. It could'nt be Makoto could it? He never ruins their usual morning routine so why do it now?

"Hai...hai...I'm coming..''

Scratching his head while yawning he grabbbed the door and slid it open,he was ready to scold anyone for waking him this early.

"Who is-''

But he was not ready on what he was about to see.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes met another pair as the person outside the door raised it's head to greet the person inside.He was'nt sleepy anymore,instead his eyes sparked with joy upon seeing the ever so familiar face of his beautiful...


The person did'nt answer and embraced him gently instead. Haruka who's almost into tears hugged that person back.

"I missed you...It's been years.'' ,He stuttered,resting his head on the person's shoulder.

Letting go,the person let out a faint smile and picked up it's luggage and came in.

"Did you think it was ok for you to wake me up this early?'' ,He said,helping with the luggage.

"I left Tokyo late on schedule.'' ,answered the guest  pulling down the hoodie of her jacket

Seeing Haruka's sleepy expression the person held both of it's hands down infront and puffed it's cheeks.

"Gommen.'' ,It replied feelling the warmth and comfort of Haru's room.

"Alright...I got school today and somebody is gonna pick me up later and he might get startled if he sees two Harukas in the house,so-''



Dropping the person's luggage he turned around to dumb-foundedly discover he was talking to no one.'Probably went out of the room without letting a single noise again...' He thought.Letting out a sigh,he went straight to the bathroom guessing...

He slid the door open and he saw the person in the tub already which,even he was surprised that this person could strip down it's clothes faster than him.

"......What? Please close the door Haru-chan,your forsaking-''

"Sorry,but did you hear what I said?''

Letting itself get comfortable in the small tub it looked straight down it's feet underwater.

"So...You're gonna let me hide from your friend?''

Haruka looked at the soaking person in the tub and thought deeply on how he'll tell his long life friend who eventually knows him his whole life and everything that he is,but to not know this single information that may shock him.... He has a female sibling.

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