Chapter 33

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The moon shone brightly over the roof of Hastinapura illuminating the darkness of the region. That night Kuru family arranged for the newly weds wedding consummation.

" light jewellery is enough so that it won't trouble your husbands more " Lahari teased both brides as she dressed the hairs if Satyapriya.

" Will you shut your mouth? Choti maa is here itself and you keep blabbering anything " Satyapriya said looking at Uttara who was dressing her daughter in law Iravati.

" Her suggestion was not that bad too Satya afterall she is experienced " Uttara countered back to Lahari.

" Atte you were supposed to join me and tease them instead you are doing it me " Lahari pouted.

" I asked you get my daughter dressed well but what's happening here?" Vatsala joined the conversation.

" Teasing Lahari " Uttara giggled.
Lahari winced looking at Vatsala.

" All right all right is everything done? We have to look after the things elders are asleep already " Vatsala said standing behind her daughter.

" Everything just resembles your father. His eyes, his fairness everything " Vatsala said placing a smooth kiss on Satyapriya's forehead.

" From today Dristadeva is your everything. Neither you must overpower him nor he must overpower you, both of you are equal you must complete each other you should live like Ardhanarishwar not like a lord and servant " Vatsala said making Satyapriya to smile.

" Same goes to you Iravati " Vatsala said.

The new brides took the blessings of Vatsala and Uttara.

Satyapriya and Iravati were escorted till their rooms where their respective husbands were waiting.

" Finally everything happened well " Uttara gave out a sigh of relief.

" I shall thank Mother Bhuvaneshwari for that now you take rest I shall visit the temple " Vatsala walked out of the palace.

She refused to have any guards, she just walked with the fire torch that's all.

Dristadeva looked at Satyapriya who walked inside the chamber and locked their chamber

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Dristadeva looked at Satyapriya who walked inside the chamber and locked their chamber.

" Please come take your seat " Dristadeva said pointing the place infront of him on the bed.

Satyapriya gave small smile and sat infront of him comfortably. After few minutes of uncomfortable silence Dristadeva decided to initiate.

" Are we going to sit like this whole night? " He said.

" Aren't you nervous?" She asked with surprise.

" Am I going to kill someone? To get nervous?" Dristadeva replied with amusement.

" I am nervous but still I want to ask many things actually " Satyapriya said.

" I am ready " Dristadeva said attentively.

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