Chapter 48

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It has been 32 years since the Kurukshetra war ended. The lost life was carried forward in the remaining memories. The only hope left in the chest of that dynasty named children of Abhimanyu also completed the 32 years of their life.

Satyapriya is now the proud mother of seven children. She gave birth to a boy and named him Shantanetra.

" Amma, it's getting late " Abhigna who is now a big boy of fifteen years urged his mother.

" This girl is not eating Abhi " Satyapriya replied running behind Sarvayashi, her four year old darling daughter who is the favorite of Arjuna.

" Sashi " Listening to the voice of Dristadeva Sarvayashi hopped towards him. The name 'sashi' was soo special for Satyapriya as it was her mother's name which is now the nickname of Sarvayashi.

Dristadeva picked up his youngest daughter and pecked her cheeks.

" I can't deal with this girl. Here you only feed her, my son is calling me I have to go" Satyapriya kept the bowl of food in Dristadeva's hand and walked out making the father daughter duo to frown.

" If we delay further Pitamaha Krishna will wake there my whole plan will be wasted come soon have you all forgot what is the special today? " Abhigna said wrapping his angavastram properly once again.

Yashobhadra ran towards him in a go correcting her ear. Her soulmate named 'tripping' is now considered as her major characteristic by the family. As usually she tripped over the floor and smoothly landed on the ground. Abhigna sighed.

Satyapriya, helping her to standing up smacked her head.

" Only Bhargi is punctual, he has already reached palace and here I am waiting for you all and still many has to come " Abhigna shooked his head.

" Sorry dear all because of Sashi" Satyapriya gave a sheepish smile.

Anila, the six year old son of Satyapriya entered cuddling the youngest sibling of them, followed by Agnivarna who was still correcting his Dhoti.

" Don't worry about Pitashree and Sashi let them come when ever they want let's go now " Abhigna stepped out holding the hands of his twin brothers.

Rohini smiled at the family, they were not at all bothered with any other stuffs which was disturbing the family peace. These nine souls had different seperate world of them.

" Prefect " Aniruddha appreciated his elder son Vajranabha, who just showed his sword skills

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" Prefect " Aniruddha appreciated his elder son Vajranabha, who just showed his sword skills.

Bharghi who was carefully watching Vajra and copying him from distance didn't missed to catch the attention of his Uncle, Aniruddha.

" Ketu , call Bharghi inside" He asked Mrigaketana smiling.

Bharghi with slow steps neared his eldest uncle.

" So what were you doing?" Aniruddha asked.

" Sorry Uncle I was on my way towards Pitamahi Rukmini but.." Bharghi's face fell.

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