Chapter 59

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Satyapriya took Bharghi in her arms and cupped his cheeks.

" Relax Bharghi. I am here only" She said.

" Maa.... I... I want to " He stammered in order to cope up with his uneven breathing rate.

" Putra, you will be alright dear, let me fetch the medicine for you" Satyapriya stood up only to stopped by Bharghi. He clutched her wrist tightly gasping for breath.

" Bharghi " Satyapriya and sat down caressing his head.

Bharghi with tears in his eyes clutched her wrist even more tightly.

" Amma" his lips parted to utter the last word of his life.

Satyapriya gasped looking at her son. His eyes were still open but lifeless.

" No This can't happen.... Bharghi" Satyapriya stammered.

With shivering hands she passes her fingers near his nose to confirm he is breathing but it added more grief to her. Bharghi already gave up his breathing. Satyapriya refused to belive the fact.

" Swami " She shouted and ran out to bring Dristadeva but there she saw something's else. It appeared like a massive slaughtering of humans.

For a moment she was confused. The Yadava killed each other and stood like beasts longing for blood. They were tearing each other's chest violently. Giving up all his trials of stopping them Balarama sat beneath a tree for meditation.

Satyapriya searched around for her sons and husband but found the fall of Nishatha. Someone smashed his head soo heard that it took his life.

" Mavaaa " She rushed towards him but a someone pulled her back. She turned around to find her own injured husband.

" Bharghi.... There he is not talking to me " Satyapriya started.

" They killed Agni and Anila Satya. I couldn't save them" Dristadeva said. That was another thunderclap for Satyapriya.

Before both of them digest the fact, a tumba of Rudra Veena hitted Satyapriya's neck causing an injury

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Before both of them digest the fact, a tumba of Rudra Veena hitted Satyapriya's neck causing an injury. Dristadeva and Satyapriya turned to the direction from where the tumba came to see their eldest son Abhigna being killed by Vimardana with his own dear dear Rudra Veena.

" Abhi " They exclaimed.

Someone from the group violently threw a harsh stick towards Dristadeva and injured his head.

" Swami " Satyapriya cried.

" Run away from here Satya. We lost everything today including our bond with Dwaraka. We have no relatives or relationship with anyone our own family cheated us. Run away from here " Dristadeva you.

" No I can't leave you " Satyapriya refused. A well built man encircled his arm around Dristadeva's neck and started squeezing him.

" Please, these people are not at all humans they are worst than beasts. You have no safety here Satya. Run away for your life now. Go far away from this wretched land of hatred. Don't worry about me I will somehow manage to slip away from here. Where ever you are I shall come to see you. Run now " He pushed Satyapriya pointing at few more helpless people running away for their life.

Satyapriya turned back to see her husband defeating some men and getting attacked by some more. She pressed her tummy once remembering her unborn baby.

She wiped her tears and ran away from there. 

" I still remember my son's last words, he said he want to live but I could save him

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" I still remember my son's last words, he said he want to live but I could save him. I couldn't even see Agni and Anila for last time too. Abhi breathed his last infront of me. That day I ran for only one reason, that was Prabhasa. That decision of my life was the only right thing for me. " Anagha narrated the script to Yaduveer.

" How sad! I bet if we were in that scene na that moment itself we would have died with cardiac arrest. She was the most strong lady despite of learning weapons" Yaduveer exclaimed.

Anagha nodded and flipped the script. To see a painting.

" Yadu see here " She said with a smile.

" Yadu see here " She said with a smile

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" The last time I saw Dwarkadheesh..." Anagha read out the lines written below.

" Poor him" Yaduveer sighed.

" Hey but Satyapriya ji had a daughter right? Sarvayashi what happened to her then? She was not present in Dwaraka " Yaduveer said.

" I missed that line it seems. Let me re read it " Anagha said and flipped the script back reading the lines again.

" Yeah, Sarvayashi died in childbirth. She had a daughter it seems, Shrinkhala " Anagha said and turned the painting of Krishna.

" My guess was right. He was not a God instead a human who was raised to the status of God by his deeds " She smiled.

Yaduveer smiled.

" It's getting dark, let's have something soon. I am hungry " Yaduveer said.

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So what happens next ? Any guesses?

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Read and enjoy.


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