Chapter 3: The Takofication Ritual

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Author's Note:

Thank you very much for reading my story. As a novice writer, it brings me joy that you give notice to this small piece of work. I would very much appreciate it as well if I were to receive feedback and comments from my readers as they help motivate me. Anyway, please continue supporting this story and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. Wah!

"This is one huge temple. I didn't expect it to be this huge. It's like a 10 story building," I said.

"It's actually an 8-story building that is bigger in the inside that it looks on the outside."

I nodded. It made perfect sense for the Tentacult Temple to have 8 floors.

"So is this where the ritual will be held?"

She nodded. "Follow me."

I followed Ina through the Temple grounds. The place was quite beautiful and well-decorated. They even have a Zen garden up front with a pond with koi fish and all. Seeing the front likes make me wonder what the inside and other floors look like.

It didn't take long for us to enter the temple. As we entered, we were greeted by the Takodachis which I always thought was just a fan name and mascot for her. They were everywhere. They were hopping around the floor, some were clinging onto the walls and ceiling, while others were just lazing around on the floor.

The first floor was like a main hall where everyone just did their own thing. Ina walked past the crowd and so did I. As we did, all the Takodachis stared at me as we walked pass them. They kept staring at me until we reached the far end of the room. A large door stood before us, it had many mysterious carvings on it which I did not understand. It didn't seem to have any handles on it though.

As I wondered how the door will open, Ina placed her hand on it and chanted some sort of spell. A magic circle appeared on the door briefly before disappearing, the door began to slide open. Beyond it was what seemed like a small, well-decorated room. Ina went in and so did I.

Once we got in, the door began to close again. As it did, for a brief moment I noticed that the Takodachis in the main hall began changing shape, looking almost humanoid. The room began to shake when the doors closed. Some music began playing too.

I turned to Ina. "Is this an elevator?" I asked.

She nodded. "Indeed, it is. I had the Takotech Team install this," she said.

"This place never ceases to amaze me..." I said.

Soon enough, we stopped and the doors slid open. As it did, what I saw was amazing. The elevator had brought us into an underground cavern. Both of us stepped out of the elevator and into the cavern. The place was massive, truly a wonder of nature itself.

From where we stood, I could see the entirety of the cave. There were numerous light sources around the area, all of which were on top or on the side of a stone pillar. In the far back, there was a waterfall that flows down into a basin which connects to two rivers flowing on each side of a small isle in the center. A natural bridge connected the main land and the isle.

Ina gestured me to follow her again, so I did. We began descending down a rugged path for a while. Upon reaching the bottom, I noticed that the floor has changed. It was no longer a rocky path but a stone floor which was carved elegantly. Ina then stopped as a hooded figure appeared from the darkness.

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