Chapter 10: A Cornered Crustacean

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Author's Note:

Thank you very much for reading my story. As a novice writer, it brings me joy that you give notice to this small piece of work. I would very much appreciate it as well if I were to receive feedback and comments from my readers as they help motivate me. Anyway, please continue supporting this story and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. Wah!

From the sandy shores of the beach, emerged a familiar yet horrifying claw that snatched me up, preventing me from finishing my spell. As I rose into the air, painfully nestled in between the pincer tail of a crabomination, its entire body fully surfaced. It let out loud, otherworldly, and ear-piercing screech at Cera who was still in shock. The creature lifted its giant claws, readying to hit her.

"Cera get out of there! This thing's about the attack you!" I yelled.

She snapped out of her initial state of shock, however, the creatures' claw was already mid swing. However, in the nick of time Alex intervened and blocked its attack with his sword. The crabomination didn't like that and swung its other hand which Alex parried. Then the sound of bubbling became audible, an indication it was about to blast them with ooze.

Alex quickly took notice of it and backed away quickly, pulling Cera along with him. They hid behind one of the nearby boulders as the crabomination sprayed ooze everywhere in such a frenzied manner. When it stopped, it let out another screech that was accompanied by the sound of cracking. I looked down and saw that its shell was breaking apart, exposing its innards. I suddenly got some major chills.

"Ummmm...guys? Something's happening to this thing! Whatever it is, I don't think it's a good thing," I shouted.

Cera must've have heard me and decided to jump out from cover but was immediately pulled back by Alex. They seem to be wary of what this thing is doing, especially Alex. He doesn't seem to be too worried about me, I guess I'm not in any immediate danger. I still don't feel at ease, so I casted "Stoneskin" which increases the hardness of my skin and overall durability in case things go south.

Just as I casted the spell, the cracking got louder and suddenly, its shell burst open, scattering all the chunks into the air. Its now exposed flesh began to grow and expand at a rapid rate, a few tentacles sprouted from its body. They quickly reattached chunks of the shell onto the flesh forming some sort of armor for the flailing tentacles. A thin layer of shell began growing along the exposed flesh until it was fully covered again. This gruesome transformation occurred in less than a minute. Being so up close, I could feel that it became way stronger than it originally was.

When it was done altering its form into something more horrifying and large was when Alex and Cera began to attack. Cera led the charge once again, dodging a few tentacles on the way before ramming into the beast. However, it blocked her with its pincers and proceeded to attack her with the other. She parries the attack with a punch, knocking both their arms back. They then began recreating the fight between Star Platinum and The World from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders by jabbing at each other at surprising speeds. Something, I didn't expect to see from a crab.

"Let go of Xander, you overgrown piece of disgusting seafood!!!" Cera yelled.

While the Jojo fight was taking place, Alex was busy dealing with the armored tentacles that keep attacking him relentlessly. Even with the creature not facing him, the tentacles seem to act on its own. Compared to Ceras' fight, his fight had more finesse to it as he was dodging the attacks quite well. He would slash at the tentacles when they were vulnerable, dodge them normally if he could or transform into a Takodachi to dodge if things were getting to close for comfort.

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