I'll stare at your eyes and allow my soul to get lost in yours.
I'd then smile at you with the intention of making you smile in return, because I'm just obsessed with your smile. It is always so alive.
I'll then make my way to where you're standing, take hold of your hand and lay them on my chest. I want you to feel my heartbeat. Feel it beat fast but peacefully. Like it's screaming "you're my favorite piece, don't walk away."
I'd back its silent screams with my words of gratitude and "I love you".
I'd then give you a hug. So tight so that both our hearts can communicate. That the souls beneath these skins can kiss their existence into each other. They've been separated since birth, apart in the time they were looking for each other while falling in the arms of the wrong ones.
We'd give them the several minutes they deserve to feel the magnitude of the weight called unite. And then we'll take another minute or two to allow our spirits to meditate because peace is the land they are at.
An extra minute to allow our bodies to understand the pace of the blood rushing through our veins.
Yes! It'd be quite some time before we quit the hug!
It's a hug, but not the typical kind. It's the hug of twin souls separated from the beginning of their existence and have been making the effort their entire lives to end up in each other's arms once again.
It'd be a reunion hug. A communicative hug. A moment in time hug. The hug with life. The living hug.
Green Light
PoetryA Love Project that demonstrates the state of heart of a being on cloud nine courtesy of their greatest muse.