Twin Flame

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A day with you, that's all I ask for.

We cross paths once despite the often whiles,

Making it hard to understand the state of our hearts.

There's need for a full-time as much as I'm grateful for the half.

Enough of the thoughts we have when the door to each other's worlds is closed.

We deserve to explore the feelings our hearts keep rewinding,

Say the things left unsaid to avoid making time the biggest fool,

Fathom the strength of our bond despite the odds,

And make meaning of destiny and fate.

No better location to pin your way than one by the ocean,

For the breeze will help with both our feels as our souls unite,

Anything I'd wish to say will be uttered with no words held back,

And what I should know you'll enlighten me without fearing the unknown,

It could be our only chance to unite the missing pieces to the puzzle of our soul.

When it's all said and done, an evening drive will do.

That drive to catch the beauty of nature through the setting sun.

Another moment to get the signature from the greatest star because authentic is what we are.

With the necessary hand on the wheel, while the main one in touch with yours,

Cause all I ever want is to feel everything that I do but with your presence next to mine.

With our skins attached and nothing in between,

And our eyes staring at the depth of what adds up to our being;

The being that was once one, but separated by the universe only to unite them at some point in time,

When they've experienced all that they should to make their reunion worth every pain and truth;

When they're both ready to receive each other again.

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