Chapter 171-175

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Open a restaurant with mountains and seas [food]
Traditional Chinese
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 171 Steamed Pool Crab

    It was confirmed that I could live in two worlds, instead of only choosing one place to live in Haitian Street or the real world, I was all excited at the age, even if I had to go back tomorrow, I felt nothing.

    Grandma Nian was already asleep beside her, her breathing was shallow, like a hidden stream in the forest.

    Nian Sui was reluctant to fall asleep, so she took advantage of the moonlight to carefully look at the contours of Nian's grandmother's facial features and every wrinkle on her face.

    She hasn't looked at Grandma's face seriously for a long time. She read Grandma's face back and forth many times, as if to engrave it in her heart.

    This day is the happiest moment in the past six months. For her, when she can earn hundreds of thousands a day, she is not happy at this moment.

    It's satisfying enough to have family by your side, even if it's just to have a meal together, or just lie down so quietly.

    Nian Sui thought that he would stay up all night and keep his eyes open until dawn.

    But the waves in the sky roared back and forth, and the waves reflected the shattering shimmer of the moon, which reflected in the window.

    The sound of the ebb and flow of sea water is soothing and regular, and has a good hypnotic effect. After a while, Nian Sui fell into a deep sleep.

    "Niansui...going to see the sea? Or do you want to sleep in?"

    Qinglang's soft voice came vaguely, as if speaking to Niansui's ear from the other end of the cave.


    Nian Sui barely understood this question with a chaotic consciousness. When she thought that the sea area of ​​Haitian Street was in the sky, she opened her eyes instantly and really wanted to know what the sea looked like during the day.

    Qinglang sent brain waves in the next room to ask about the age, and Nian Sui also used brain waves to reply: "I want to see the sea! Wait a minute, I will come out right away."

    Nian Sui carefully turned over and got out of bed, put on slippers, But Grandma Nian was a little sleepy. When she put on her shoes, Grandma Nian's eyes opened a slit.

    "Grandma, I'm going out for a walk, you can continue to rest." Nian Sui's voice was so soft that it could just arouse hearing.

    It may be because Nian Sui just came back, and Nian's grandmother was afraid that she would lose it again when she went out, so she sat up a little worriedly.

    "Don't worry, Qinglang is with me, we won't run too far."

    Nian Sui said these words, and Nian's grandmother lay back on the bed in a relaxed manner. With Qinglang around, she felt relieved.

    "Go early, go back early, ah."


    Nian Sui walked out of the room, and Qinglang just happened to come out of the room next door, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

    "I see that the weather outside is very good, so I asked if you want to go out and have a look. I don't know if I would disturb your rest?"

    Qinglang scratched his head.

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