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There was something weird about Simon, he was always hungry this last days. He could eat as much as he wanted. When Clary went to see Jace, he was sure to have seen Camille Belcourt in the reflection of the mirror, and alos blood on his lips. At the institute nobody paid attention to him, they all had to find Jocelyn, defeat a certain Valentine, even if he was with Abby and Clary he felt very lonely and bored most of the time not knowing what to do. As soon as he touched something, someone told him it could be dangerous, or something like that. Simon never knew the difference between a bad joke and a warning, they had the same tone when they said it. He did not like the shadowhunters they felt superior to him because he did not know this world, and its dangers, but none of them wished to share those secrets with him. He wanted to leave, but he felt bad for the Fray twins, who were no longer called Fray but Fairchild. He felt guilty about wanting to find Luke and get more information from him, Simon knew that Luke had betrayed his daughters and Jocelyn, and that Simon was only one of many, but Luke had taught him to shave, to put on a tie, Luke was the reason Rock Solid Panda existed. So Simon would just do little tricks around the Institute and come back, he couldn't complain Abby always took care to bring him food and make sure he was okay, But he knew full well that she only wanted to know if he was physically okay. 

Clary was sitting on one of the institute's benches, with tears in her eyes drawing Valentine, to make her anger go away, Alec had no right to take back her necklace, it was a gift from her mother, the last gift from her mother. Now, thanks to the necklace she had a face for a name, Valentine became real to her eyes, he had a body, a face, attention, and it was only for his own good. He had the area of no longer being in a healthy state of mind, it only served to justify the people who talk about him. Izzi came to meet Clary, she heard her because of her high heels, which resonated with each step. She sat next to Clary in silence and after a while began the conversation: 
-I'm sorry for what my brother did, he has no bad intentions, I promise you, he just has to be constantly thinking about everything to protect us all. 
-I understand, but this necklace is the last thing I have from my mother. 
-Oke, let's go talk to him together, Izzi was up, next to Clary Isabelle was towering, she held out her hand to Clary. 
-You really don't have to do this for me, you know. 
Isabelle just take Clary's hand and smile to her.
Clary took Isabelle's hand and followed her to the front door and then went to Alec's office, but Izzi stopped when she saw that a portal was opening, she knew it was her mother, she had just forgotten it was today. A tall woman went to the two girls. The mother barely looked at her daughter and said a little comment about her outfit and then headed to the small room where Jace was training, followed by Clary and Izzi. Clary sent a message to her twin to join them in the room.

Jace repeated a series of movements with a seraphic dagger, Isabelle was dying to explain to Clary the usefulness of this, but she was too afraid of her mother's comments to say or do anything. Jace finished her move and got a little applause from Maryse, he got up and joined her in less than two steps, they were both so happy to see each other.  
-Your mother doesn't hug you, Clary was embarrassed to ask that question.
-The shadowhunters are not too cuddly, at the same time Maryse took Jace in her arms. 
Alec and Abby arrived at the exact same moment, Jace had a suspicious look at Alec, Maryse took in her arms her son, and looked at Abbigael with a bad eye who did not even lower his eyes. Maryse explained especially to the attention of Alec and Jace that the Enclave suspected the fairies of having turned their jackets, because they had not given sign of lives for several less than the Enclave. Abby asked several questions, which Maryse simply ignored, she decided to send Jace and Isabelle to visit the fairies, to find out more. And Alec would have to stay at the Institute to watch over Clary and Abby, obviously Maryse didn't know about the earthly, who was probably sleeping. Jace and Izzi prepared to go and visit Meliorn, Isabelle's friend.

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