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Abby had finished bonding Luke when they arrived outside Magnus' apartment, his apartment on the top floor, a building with no elevator. Luke and Abby went first, Luke couldn't stand up anymore, it was almost entirely Abby who carried him, Jace was right behind them to catch them if they fell. Simon took Clary in his arms, it was too much for her, their kidnapped mother, their father who turns out to be one of the biggest psychopaths in the supernatural world, everyone who believes their mother told them where one of the most important objects in the magical world was. What had they done to deserve all this shit. Arrived at the last floor Abby knocked loudly once, before returning shouting the name of Magnus
"A fight with an alpha," Magnus asked without asking.
"Yeah, you can do something or not, I'll pay you later," Magnus looked up at her, shirtless, Luke's blood all over her body.
- By spanking his bondages, you probably saved his life. Then he got to work, he sent Simon and Jace to do some shopping for him, "Bring me Alexander, I need shadowhunter virgin energy" he said smiling. Simon and Jace both leave. If the situation were less serious Abby would have wondered about sending the two of them together to do something was really a good idea. Jace didn't like Simon and it was reciprocal. Clary was in retreat she didn't want to see all that. She received a message from Isabelle.
"Did you arrived at Magnus's?"
And yet a second.
"Did he agreed for help you?"
Then one last.
"Send me a message as soon as you can."
Clary answered something very vague, Clary wondered if Isabelle was nice to her out of pity or if she was like that with everyone or just with her. She was pulled out of her reverie by a shrill cry from Luke, he was calling someone: Jocelyn.
- No, dad, it's me, it's Abby
Luke couldn't hear anything, he had hallucinations, he was sure he was in Idris, in the labyrinth where he and Jocelyn had spent all their childhoods, running to get lost, fleeing their parents when they were teenagers. It was like coming home, but he seemed lost, it was as if the place didn't recognize him anymore and he himself didn't really recognize the place anymore, he called the woman he loved so much. She came to him, her marks had created her. Nobody knew how he was going to run a non-existent rune, it had no other effects than aesthetic, to be able to recognize between them, a stupid idea of teenager. Magnus and Abby did what they could to calm Luke down, Abby on Magnus' orders had started the potion to heal his injuries.

Alec and Izzi arrived at the institute, their mother summoned them to her office, they should all explain to her. They learn that Abby hasn't set foot in the institute since she left it that morning with Alec. Alec decided to go train in the small room that was near the operating table. Isabelle went to relax and take a nice hot bath and change, her clothes reeked of blood and sweat. After the hot bath she dressed. Izzy stopped before leaving, the parents were arguing, the Lightwoods' reputation was at an all-time low, and within a week the Enclave would send someone to take over the institute, the best solution for their honor was to marry Alec, "Honor in deed" Maryse had said. She had also said that her daughter was just incapable and that she could not rebuild their family honor. Izzi came out of her hiding place, Maryse fled, she had very quickly understood that with Izzi there would always be an eternal conflict and that they would only argue, Robert decided to enter his daughter's room. She sat down on the bed and opened the gift he handed her, a cookbook from Idris. Isabella it always got along better with his father than with his mother. He was flexible when his mother was strict, Isabelle often felt that all that mattered to her mother was the honor of the family more than the family itself.
Isabelle was at the Institute and had finally decided to confront her mother. -I don't understand why Alec has to get married, the Lightwoods didn't do anything.
- Once again your father is using you against me, Maryse had her back to her daughter.
-What's going on with you and dad.
-Don't shout, you want the whole Institute to hear our conversation. She took her daughter by the arm to position her in front of her. This ain't got nothing to do with your dad or me it's about Alec we're talking about
-So talk to me, I'll do anything to protect him.
- But you can't, there's nothing to do, Maryse had tears in her eyes.

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